What are the best examples of "how to work with me" documents?

By Joseph @ 2022-10-12T07:08 (+15)

Have any stood out in your mind as very well put-together? I'm looking for ideas and inspiration for creating one.

Elika @ 2022-10-12T15:21 (+4)

I'd  recommend taking an Insights test if you can. I don't usually believe in all the personality test hype but we did Insights as a team at Atlas and it was super helpful (and like 95% accurate!) about each persons' working styles, communication profiles, etc. I used it to make my work with my doc 

jungofthewon @ 2022-10-12T19:18 (+1)

Highly recommend Insights as well! Pricey though.

jungofthewon @ 2022-10-12T19:17 (+1)

Working with Andreas (Ought cofounder)

Jay Desai (CEO of PatientPing)