Looking for volunteering opportunities for Africans
By Daniel Elabi @ 2023-02-10T10:58 (–4)
Hello everyone, looking for volunteering opportunities for Africans in this community, to provide further exposition and increase impact. The opportunities can be remote or Hybrid. Thanks.
John Salter @ 2023-02-10T11:30 (+4)
Hey Daniel
Welcome to the forum! To get more helpful comments, try the following:
- Don't write the title in ALL CAPS
- Tell us more about the africans who are looking for volunteering opportunities (e.g. if it's for you, post your CV )
- Try the EA Anywhere slack channel, or a slack channel for the cause areas you're interested in e.g. the EA mental health slack.
Daniel Elabi @ 2023-02-10T12:39 (+1)
Hi John, thank you for your response.
I will check out the slack group.