Decomposing Biological Risks: Harm, Potential, and Strategies

By simeon_c @ 2021-10-14T07:09 (+26)

Summary:  If a very large global catastrophic pandemic requires a stealthy pathogen, as suggested as a key pathway by Manheim, 2018, then preventing pathogens from being stealthy in at least one place could be enough to greatly reduce the existential risk. If this is the case, it could mean that just pushing for the implementation of metagenomic sequencing (at least) at the entries of one single country could be enough to greatly reduce the risk. If this is true, it could be a relatively low-hanging fruit.

Epistemic status: I'm not sure of all my assertions. This is intended to spark a discussion, and build a clearer idea of the type of risk associated with each scenario. Take everything I’ve said in this article as meaning "I have the impression that". (I have thought and read quite extensively about the topic for 3 weeks as part of a research project on GCBRs reduction. I’ve spent 2 months more chatting with some people about it and having it in mind). At some point, I give some estimates of risk using words. It enables to rank the risks. I didn't feel like I could give meaningful probability estimates.

We'll be considering in this post five different kinds of agents:

A Risk Factor Which is a Game-Changer

Before going into the details of each scenario, we need to talk about one of the factors that can vary the overall risk and its distribution.

According to Kevin Esvelt, a microbiologist who works on evolutionary and ecological engineering, it's really difficult to develop new pathogens and especially with the kind of functions that could be lethal to humanity. Sonia Quigham-Gormley, a bioweapons expert, seems to strongly support this viewpoint in her book, “Barriers to Bioweapons.” It seems unclear if there are experts who disagree, at least in the near-term future. If this view is correct, it means that most of the risk over the coming few years will come from the biggest research laboratories, whether research labs or state-controlled labs.

As a result, two of the biggest risk factors for each location are the extent to which:

Depending on the magnitude of these risk factors, the distribution of the risk changes:


Finally, it is important to note that there is a qualitative difference between the risk of accidents caused by the research of concern and the risk linked to the publication of information of concern. While gain-of-function research causes a transient risk (i.e. when research is stopped, the risk ceases), the risk of publication permanently increases the potential for small agents to be harmful on a large scale.

Below I will estimate the risk with a set of parameters, assuming that we are not able to totally stop the research of concern but are somewhat able to prevent worse blueprints from being made publicly available.

One key risk modeling technique which could be useful is to approximate or elicit the distributions for these factors. In such a model, it seems likely that big agents have much fatter tails (greater probability of extreme risks) than small agents, but they have much less probability to cause any accident. When looking at expected value, however, it is less clear, and because the tail of the distribution for large agents includes existentially risky scenarios, from a longtermist viewpoint, these risks could easily dominate the calculation.

Existential Risks

Definition: Humanity goes extinct.

Consequences: Humanity's potential is lost forever. As argued by Toby Ord in The Precipice, this outcome is tremendously worse than a catastrophic but non-extinction-level event, as long as we think that humanity’s future is large and valuable, and do not rapidly discount the value of that future.

Type of scenarios:

I see mainly three biorisk scenarios that could lead to humanity's extinction:

  1. A pathogen is released and kills basically almost everyone at the same time, without sufficient warning to respond. It spreads quickly enough to take the human population below the minimum viable population.
  2. A pathogen kills most people and a proactive organization kills the survivors.
  3. A pathogen kills most people, and other indirect causes make humanity go extinct (Note: this is unlikely according to Luisa Rodriguez).

For each of these scenarios, a stealthy pathogen (i.e with a long incubation time) would be of great help and represent an important mass of the probability. Killing most people without a stealthy pathogen seems almost impossible. This is quite clear for the first scenario, but even for scenarios 2 and 3, it seems to be an almost necessary condition. Indeed, World War II as a whole killed no more than 3% of the population, so having a single organization that kills more than 1% of the population seems rather unlikely. For scenario 2 to kill everyone, the pathogen would probably need to kill more than 99% of the people to enable the organization to kill the last survivors. For scenario 3 to kill everyone, the pathogen would have to kill 99,9% of the population, and even given this, Luisa Rodriguez argues that the main way such an event could lead to extinction is if there is only one big group that is surviving. In any of these scenarios, the required amount of deaths seems to make the stealthy characteristic really important because having so many deaths due to a pathogen would probably have few chances to happen if we are aware of it and have any time to prepare or mitigate the spread.


Partial Conclusion:

If this analysis captures most of the X-risks, it thus means that eliminating a stealthy scenario might greatly reduce the risk of extinction coming from GCBRs. This implies that broad or universal surveillance could be a critical risk mitigation measure.

Catastrophic Risks

Definition: A catastrophe that kills more than 10% of the population[1] but that doesn't drive the world population close to or below the minimum viable population (Minimal viable population = 100 - 1,000) .

Type of scenarios:

Distribution of the risk:

Moderate Global Risks

0.01% of the population is killed, in at least 10 different countries, but less than 10% of the population is killed. (This is intended to be similar to Covid).

Type of scenarios:

Distribution of the risk:


One Country to Safeguard Humanity

Safeguarding Humanity’s Potential Might Require Only One Country

The biggest difference between catastrophic risks reduction and anthropogenic existential bio risks reduction is that:



I hope this article provides a useful breakdown of the risk and gives some food for thought to discuss the probability that we give to various scenarios. If my analysis is right it means that we're lucky and that we don't need that much coordination to get rid of the bulk of the existential risk coming from pathogens. If not, I'm happy to discuss what you think are the most plausible scenarios and whether there are normative consequences on public policies. I'm currently running a project with other people that suggests that the amount of coordination (understood as the number of countries that we need to get onboard to solve most of a problem) that we need to mitigate GCBRs could be decreasing with the magnitude of the catastrophe. More on this in a later post. 
Thanks for reading, and please, share your thoughts! 

  1. ^

    This threshold is arbitrary, but aims at designating a memorable event that would affect humanity for at least decades and probably centuries.

Davidmanheim @ 2021-10-14T12:14 (+7)

Thanks Simon - this is great. I do want to add a few caveats for how and why the "One Country" idea might not be the best approach.

The first reason not to pursue the one-country approach from a policy perspective is that non-existential catastrophes seem likely, and investments in disease detection and prevention are a good investment from a immediate policy perspective. Given that, it seems ideal to invest everywhere and have existential threat detection be a benefit that is provided as a consequence of more general safety from biological threats. There are also returns to scale for investments, and capitalizing on them may require a global approach.

Second, a key question for whether the proposed "one country" approach is more effective than other approaches is whether we think early detection is more important than post-detection response, and what they dynamics of the spread are. As we saw with COVID-19, once a disease is spreading widely, stopping it is very, very difficult. The earlier the response starts, the more likely it is that a disease can be stopped before spreading nearly universally. The post-detection response, however, can vary significantly between countries, and those most able to detect the thread weren't the same as those best able to suppress cases - and for this and related reasons, putting our eggs all in one basket, so to speak, seems like a very dangerous approach.

simeon_c @ 2021-10-14T13:33 (+6)

Thanks David, that's great ! 

"The first reason not to pursue the one-country approach from a policy perspective is that non-existential catastrophes seem likely, and investments in disease detection and prevention are a good investment from a immediate policy perspective. Given that, it seems ideal to invest everywhere and have existential threat detection be a benefit that is provided as a consequence of more general safety from biological threats. There are also returns to scale for investments, and capitalizing on them may require a global approach." 

I feel like there are two competing views here that are very well underlined thanks to your comment :

  • From a global perspective, the optimal policy is probably to put metagenomic sequencing in the key nodes of the travel network so that we're aware of any pathogen as soon as possible. I feel like it's roughly what you meant
  • From a marginalist perspective, given the governance by country it's probably much easier to cover one country who cares about national security with metagenomic sequencing (e.g the US) than to apply the first strategy.

 I expect the limiting factor not to be our own resource allocation but the opportunities to push for the relevant policies at the right moment. If we're able to do the first strategy, i.e if there's an opportunity for us to push in favor of a global metagenomic plan that has some chances to work, that's great ! But if we're not, we shouldn't disregard the second strategy (i.e pushing in one single country to have a strong metagenomic sequencing policy being implemented) as a great way to greatly mitigate at least X-risks from GCBRs.

"Second, a key question for whether the proposed "one country" approach is more effective than other approaches is whether we think early detection is more important than post-detection response, and what they dynamics of the spread are. As we saw with COVID-19, once a disease is spreading widely, stopping it is very, very difficult. The earlier the response starts, the more likely it is that a disease can be stopped before spreading nearly universally. The post-detection response, however, can vary significantly between countries, and those most able to detect the thread weren't the same as those best able to suppress cases - and for this and related reasons, putting our eggs all in one basket, so to speak, seems like a very dangerous approach."


Yes, I agree with this for GCBRs in general but not for existential ones ! My point is just that conditionally on a very very bad virus and on awareness about this virus, I expect some agents who are aware quite early about it (hence the idea to put metagenomic sequencing in every entry points of a country) to find ways to survive it, either due to governments or due to personal preparation (personal bunkers or this kind of stuff).

I hope I answered your points correctly ! 

Thanks for the comment ! 

Mathieu Putz @ 2022-04-30T22:16 (+2)

I thought this was a great article raising a bunch of points which I hadn't previously come across, thanks for writing it!

Regarding the risk from non-state actors with extensive resources, one key question is how competent we expect such groups to be. Gwern suggests that terrorists are currently not very effective at killing people or inducing terror --- with similar resources, it should be possible to induce far more damage than they actually do. This has somewhat lowered my concern about bioterrorist attacks, especially when considering that successfully causing a global pandemic worse than natural ones is not easy. (Lowered my concern in relative terms that is --- I still think this risk is unacceptably high and prevention measures should be taken. I don't want to rely on terrorists being incompetent.) This suggests both that terrorist groups may not pursue bioterrorism even if it were the best way to achieve their goals and that they may not be able to execute well on such a difficult task. Hence, without having thought about it too much, I think I might rate the risks from non-state actors somewhat lower than you do (though I'm not sure, especially since you don't give numerical estimates --- which is totally reasonable). For instance, I'm not sure whether we should expect risks of GCBRs caused by non-state actors to be higher than risks of GCBRs caused by state actors (as you suggest).