EA resilience to catastrophes & ALLFED’s case study

By Sonia_Cassidy @ 2022-03-23T07:03 (+91)


This is a case study on how The Alliance to Feed The Earth In Disasters (ALLFED) has activated its response capabilities due to the invasion of Ukraine (with its potential for global food systems risks and nuclear war).



Hello, and welcome to my first EA Forum post. 

I have been the Director of Operations for The Alliance to Feed The Earth in Disasters (ALLFED) for over 3 years. During this time, I have contributed to many of ALLFED’s posts here. Recent events, and the inquiries we have been receiving (of relevance to my specific areas of work) are what prompt this post. 

You may already know ALLFED as an EA-aligned organisation, with the mission to help feed the world in the case of catastrophes. We seek to identify various resilient food solutions and to help governments, companies, and organisations implement these solutions, to help feed everyone in the event of a global catastrophe. We also provide policy recommendations on both resilience and response, and are developing financial products and models to increase resilience to global catastrophic food risks. We focus on events which could deplete food supplies or access to 5% of the global population or more.

In addition to our core work, as members of the EA community we of course concern ourselves with our overall place in the world, and with being good citizens of this community.  

Over the last few weeks, ALLFED as an organisation as well as multiple individual team members, have been receiving inquiries about the actions we might recommend with regard to the developing socio-political crisis, and what we think might be useful for other EA community members and organisations to be doing during this time, especially with regard to food system impacts, provisions and nuclear risk.

We have quite a lot to say about resilient foods and nuclear winter, for example, please see the Resilient food solutions and Catastrophic risks to food sections of our website.

We are not experts on personal and organisational preparedness, and cannot advise on that. Thankfully, there is a wealth of information out there already on general preparedness for all kinds of scenarios, including nuclear ones. Scores of anti-nuclear organisations have developed resources to address this very issue (nuclearweapons.info being just one example). Some posts on the subject are beginning to emerge here on the EA Forum, including this one by Finan Adamson, ALLFED’s long-standing associate. 

What we can do is to share, by way of a case study, what ALLFED has been working on internally with regard to this, both in the recent weeks and in the recent years. Should any of this inspire or be of use to other EA organisations, or the community as a whole, this post will have served its purpose. 

ALLFED as a ‘think-and-do tank’

To understand the scope of our work, it is perhaps useful to think of ALLFED as a ‘think-and-do tank’, focusing on both food systems research and the practical applications thereof. I use the example of ALLFED’s crisis response to the current socio-political situation to illustrate how this combination works.

From the outset, and its foundation in 2017, ALLFED has conducted research, analysis, modelling and financial product development, for governments, financial institutions and other key food system stakeholders to increase resilience to GCFRs (global catastrophic food risks). This is visible right across ALLFED, from the team structure to the structure of our individual programs.  

This duality of purpose is rooted deep in our origins and embodied by our two co-founders, Dr. David Denkenberger and Ray Taylor. David is ALLFED’s Director of Research and a reasonably well-known EA community member (you can find his latest 80,000 Hours podcast episode here). Ray, ALLFED’s other co-founder, is very different indeed; his strengths lie in practical action and in his experience in health, international development and disaster preparedness (he also supports a number of general humanitarian projects, unrelated to ALLFED). In a nutshell, for models, estimates, and engineering expertise, we go to David (who embodies the analytical/academic part of ALLFED). When in need of out-of-the-box ideas, action or someone willing to travel to another part of the world at the drop of a hat (and manage well there no matter the circumstances), Ray is the one who will be catching the plane. 

ALLFED’s Board of Advisors is composed of people with both academic and ‘action’ backgrounds, with 3 individuals particularly relevant to nuclear/response issues: 

ALLFED’s ‘think-and-do’ structure is likewise reflected in the composition of our team. In addition to a solid core of researchers, we have plenty of good ‘action’ people, almost all of them with some kind of crisis response or/and communications background. You can read more about them on our website’s team pages, and also towards the end of this post, (as one of the ‘resources’ we can share).

ALLFED's resilience and response work 

The core of our work and mission is about increasing resilience of the food systems to catastrophic shocks, and many of our research publications investigate this. 

We are eager for our work to translate into more real-world applications. This transition is challenging, but we have already achieved several milestones and have several active collaborations. For example, we have contributed to government policy papers and delivered training to financial regulators and central bankers. We are always eager to connect with potential new collaborators in industry and government, and to have discussions about how to actually apply our research in today’s world. 

Seeing that the purpose of this post is to share what we have been up to in terms of organisational resilience, I will first refer to the actions already described in relevant sections of ALLFED’s annual highlights (2021, 2020, 2019). 

Over the last 3 years, since my arrival at ALLFED, we have been taking incremental steps to increase our operational resilience in catastrophes. 

Although much remains to be done, we are heaps better positioned than we were even a short time ago. 

Potential Canadian EA Resilience Centre project board (screenshot)
EAG London 2021 team goodies (ready-to-go pocket response plans at the back)

Screenshots of our pocket version of our response plans are included further down in this post. They are, by design, quite straightforward, and designed as printable and foldable A4 sheets of paper. This way, we can update things in real time as often as needed by simply issuing everybody with an updated version of a PDF to print and fold at home. All new team members are told about our response plan, and its pocket versions, during the induction process into ALLFED.

ALLFED Response Pocket Plan Version 1 (cover)

ALLFED’s Russia-Ukraine Response Activation

With the above groundwork in place, we have been monitoring the situation in Ukraine for some time prior to activating our response team. Ultimately, the ALLFED response team was activated immediately upon the Russian incursion into the Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, following our usual activation protocols. 

The rationale for activation was the high potential for cascading impacts to the food systems, due to the strategic importance of this region for food exports, as well as for fertiliser supplies. The second reason why we felt an activation of the response team was warranted was nuclear risk, which is very much one of the scenarios that ALLFED focuses on. 

The inter-continental response team conveyed the first ‘triage’ meeting within hours of activation, looking at short, medium and longer term impacts. 

We used our decision-making tool (as per the section above) to assess the appropriate level of involvement. We decided upon the amber alert, i.e. standing up a small response team, consisting of Response Team Leader, Planning Leader, Communications Leader, Alliance Operations Leader and Logistics Leader.

The 5 Core Response Team Roles

As it was the amber alert level that we decided upon, we proceeded as per the relevant steps of our response plan:

What would be helpful for us

The following would help us towards building up our operational capacity in support of our mission (please complete this short form if interested):

Last but not least, we would appreciate any funding opportunities that would free us up to focus even more on our core work. We have Jaan Tallinn and the Survival and Flourishing Fund (2021-H2) to thank for our 2022 funding and the current recruitment round. We are pleased to see David’s and ALLFED’s work recognized as an important cause area and inspiring funding to it (FTX Future Fund). However, for completeness and to give a correct impression of our activities during the current response team activation, it needs to be said that, alongside our regular work and the current response work, out of necessity, we are also expending significant energy on fundraising efforts, to secure further funding (for 2023 and going forward). If you can help with this, please email rick@allfed.info (you can also donate here).

What we can share

Well, there is the resilient foods part (but you already know that).

In addition to ALLFED’s most obvious contribution, we would be happy to join forces, compare notes and/or contribute to any efforts aimed at mitigating food system risk, nuclear risks, and general risks of interest to the EA community. 

To start with, we can continue to share/provide more information about the actions we have been taking (as per the sections above). This can be anything from various analysis and insights to practical resources (including editable versions of our pocket response plans - do feel free to customise them for your organisation). 

ALLFED response pocket plan 2021 - general release version
ALLFED response pocket plan 2021 - response team version

Also on the practical side, some ALLFED team members have begun putting together, as their personal project, a list of several resources intended to improve and build upon Lewis Darnell’s ‘The Knowledge’. If there is an appetite for this, it could potentially be developed into a separate follow-up post.

We have a number of team members with practical experience of operational resilience and crisis communication, who could contribute expertise:

Finally, there is that initial investigation of one potential Canadian location for the EA Resilience Centre (that our volunteer surprised us with). And people there, whom we have made aware of Effective Altruism, and who would be welcoming of such a project (though of course further investigation would be needed and other potential locations considered).  

Closing note

The increased likelihood of nuclear exchange, resulting from the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, highlights the need to accelerate response preparedness for GCRs. A specific challenge with response to crises is providing critical information to people immediately after the onset of the event to improve decision-making. The information shared and timing of sharing will differ depending on the event; however, for many events sharing information widely could improve response by better facilitating coordination. This could start with someone stepping up to coordinate EA resilience and response work.

Over the last 3 years, in addition to working on ALLFED’s own resilience, we have been in contact with EA and non-EA organisations discussing how we might make the EA community more resilient. Not all that much has hatched from these discussions as yet; however, one potential upside of the current situation could be its transformational power. Now would be a good time to transform ideas into actions! 

While firmly committed to our core work, and therefore unable to take on the substantial coordination effort ourselves, The Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters is interested and open to being approached about EA catastrophe resilience projects, and in particular about their crossover with our work. 

If interested, please drop us a line at resilience@allfed.info

It is my hope that this post, imperfect as it is, might serve to help kickstart some collaborations around this.

Yuli Jadov @ 2022-03-23T22:38 (+20)

First, this strikes me as a great example of the value of the EA community. Most individuals / orgs, like me, will not find the bandwidth to make their own resources and strategies for better response to uncommon scenarios from scratch. Thank you for these.

Second, I think the decision making tool for triage / resource allocation in particular might be really valuable to share. I'm curious if other readers of this comment would agree. I suspect many individuals and orgs in EA struggled to reprioritize around covid, for example. So, sharing may improve overall community calibration. (With the Response Plan & guidelines you've shared adding very valuable context and content for adjustment as you recommend in the post.)

Third, is there an EA temp agency somewhere? I'm imagining the fit difference between that and a normal temp agency is valuable enough even for a temp role, though I'm not certain of it. I ask because ALLFED has had the talent, desire, and mission fit for activating response teams and has thought through this for 3 years. Rapid access to organization capacity may help others make up their shortfall as needed. This seems worth some funder attention, I think.

Lastly, to the degree that collaboration with key stakeholders is practical, I also think a resilience centre and a rapid response task force in EA both have immense value. So I want to voice my public support for these. I'll also reach out to see what help I can most sensibly provide.

Side note: My experience community building in Toronto has given me the strong intuition that really healthy relationships are a vital safety feature of high potential action networks such as a Task Force, rather than a nice-to-have. So I really appreciate that your P Planning meetings 4, 5, and 6 are assessment oriented, that you clarify ALLFED's role in a disaster to include reducing poor decision making, and that your response team response includes team wellness meetings. Thank you for these too.

Sonia_Cassidy @ 2022-03-24T03:23 (+9)

Hi Yuli, 

I appreciate the time you have taken to write this comment. 

Ref 1: For sure, it takes thought, design, testing, and a bit of relevant background to produce tools from scratch… It was the Covid-19 pandemic that galvanised us to crack on with it. So, if someone wants to adapt them for their org, that is obviously more efficient and they would be very welcome. 

Ref 2: I was indeed considering linking to and/or sharing more info on our triage and decision-making aid when writing this post. The reason I decided against it on this occasion is, quite simply, it is not yet in a sharable state (we are still calibrating how it calculates scores and exact weighting).

Ref 3: No idea if there is an EA temp agency - maybe somebody else here can advise. 

Ref. your closing comments, great, and thank you for your support of the EA resilience centre idea, and of a rapid response task force. And yes, ignore your team’s needs at your peril. We are all humans, and if your response team - or indeed any team - crumbles, it’s a downward spiral from there. So hurrah to team well-being (as you can see from the pics, ours includes ALLFED sporks and tardigrades :). 

Look forward to connecting with you further.

NellWatson @ 2022-03-23T14:46 (+10)

Thank you for sharing this detailed overview of ALLFED's response to this ongoing humanitarian crisis of tremendous scale. 

Please keep making a crucial difference for nutrition in these challenging times, especially when an impossible choice between 'heat or eat' is the case for so many all over the world. Thank you.

Sonia_Cassidy @ 2022-03-24T03:18 (+9)

And thank you, Nell, for your supportive first comment on my first post.

PhilC @ 2022-03-23T18:17 (+7)

Appreciate ALLFED's work. I'm curious what ALLFED is seeing and doing about the cascading risks to global grain and fertiliser supplies that you mentioned.

Sonia_Cassidy @ 2022-03-25T16:20 (+1)

Hi Phil, thank you...  I understand that you will be seeing Sahil in just a couple of days? He will be happy to talk to you about this. 

DPiepgrass @ 2022-11-29T00:00 (+1)

How soon will ALLFED be able to actually deploy emergency nutrition?

I don't know how many additional people died from a lack of nutrition following the invasion of Ukraine, but I'd be a little surprised if it were fewer than direct combat deaths which are probably over 100,000 this year.

Aside from the direct value of saving lives, it's important to demonstrate that emergency food supplies can be deployed at a substantial scale before a global catastrophe actually happens.

FJehn @ 2023-10-05T13:38 (+2)

The food shock resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine ultimately turned out comparatively small. ALLFED is looking mainly at food shocks of >10% of global calories. For events below that, especially if they are regional, it is much more cost efficient to trade grain globally. ALLFED's work is about what we could do if this current mechanism fails. Therefore, Ukaine and the resulting food problems are not really solvable with resilient foods, but more of a political problem. 

Though I agree with you that it would be great to test out many of the ALLFED solutions before a catastrophe. However, this would cost magnitudes more money than ALLFED currently has. 

Anjan Ray @ 2022-03-23T14:52 (+1)

In these especially difficult times, clarity of purpose and specificity of action of the kind highlighted here is quite remarkable. While appreciating the efforts of ALLFED, I would strongly suggest that a channel be opened on the #Mentza platform to spread the word and bring like minded people together.

Best wishes Anjan Ray, India

Sonia_Cassidy @ 2022-03-24T03:19 (+4)

Thank you for these, Anjan. Yup, staying focused is so very important, and the question “is this in scope or out of scope” common. I will check out your recommendation.