High Schooler getting involved in EA

By GamerChess @ 2024-04-20T11:19 (+26)

Hi Everyone!

I'm currently a high school student in the United States. I've been casually following and supporting EA for about 1.5 years now, doing what I can with donating any extra money to effective causes. However, I have recently been getting a lot more interested in EA and am looking to get more involved. Since most EA opportunities are centered more towards university students and older I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for what I could do at this point of my life (Apart from dedicating my career of course).

Thanks in advance!

Nathan Young @ 2024-04-20T11:36 (+85)

Attempt to bequeath your future self a kinder, more joyful, more competent person. This might involve:

You are probably right that it's hard to make concrete improvements to the world right now, but you can give a gift to your future self of a better situation. The key is for that to be something that that person will endorse. Increasing their competence, joy, kindness and optionality seems likely to be good. 

  1. ^

    Unless you become a billionaire in which case I want a bit of obligation, sorry

Bolun @ 2024-04-20T13:32 (+20)

I second Nathan's answer, but besides that here are a few programs specifically for HS students you might be interested in.

I'd also recommend applying to those university programs! When I was talking with the organizers of those programs at EAG, n=3 seemed to believe it'd be perfectly appropriate for me to apply. I suspect other programs would also (major caveat: may only apply to non-residential programs for <18 for legal reasons).

(also, Yarrow B's answer is a joke, but, anecdotally, a major failure mode of young EAs are becoming too dedicated and sacrificing all their other interests and such for it. )

RyanCarey @ 2024-04-20T14:56 (+5)

Their suggestions are relatively abstract, but you might consider reading Katja and Robin on the general topic of whether to focus on contributing money vs other things when you're young.

quila @ 2024-04-20T23:45 (+3)

i highly suggest reading the sequences.

if you suspect you might be capable of it, you could also start reading about alignment and potentially contributing to it. i know of at least one whose been doing (imo good) alignment research since they were in high school. many working on AI catastrophic risk (myself included) believe there's not much time left for you to have a career. you may want to look into those arguments.