Thoughts on patient philanthropy

By Tobias_Baumann @ 2020-09-08T12:00 (+14)

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Benjamin_Todd @ 2020-09-10T19:14 (+4)

Thank you for the certainty equivalent calculations, that was interesting.

MichaelDickens @ 2020-09-08T16:38 (+3)

Risk-free interest rates are currently very low. Therefore, patient philanthropy can only work with risky assets, such as stocks.

This isn't necessarily true. If you expect risk-free rates to increase in the future, then the long-term average interest rate could still be high enough to justify investing.

If impatient actors dominate the market, then the risk-free rate will always be high enough such that patient actors prefer to invest. This is true regardless of what the risk-free rate is currently. Although I don't know how to reconcile a positive pure time preference with the fact that real risk-free rates are currently negative or extremely low.

Tobias_Baumann @ 2020-09-09T22:00 (+4)

Yeah, but even 30 year interest rates are low (1-2% at the moment). There is an Austrian 100 year bond paying 0.88%. I think that is significant evidence that something about the "patient vs impatient actors" story does not add up.

MichaelDickens @ 2020-09-09T22:52 (+2)

Patient philanthropists might want to wait for hundreds or even thousands of years before deploying their capital. 30 years is nothing compared to the possible future of civilization.

Tobias_Baumann @ 2020-09-10T10:48 (+2)

I was just talking about 30 years because those are the farthest-out US bonds. I agree that the horizon of patient philanthropists can be much longer.