What's the latest estimate of charitable giving that targets poverty?

By Garrison @ 2024-05-03T21:23 (+35)

Does anyone know the latest estimate of what percentage of US/Western charity goes to poverty broadly and international poverty specifically?

A 2013 Dylan Matthews piece in WaPo cites a 2007 estimate. Googling isn't helping much. 

I may be writing an opinion piece for a major outlet and would love a more up to date answer (I'm guessing it wouldn't change too much). 

James Herbert @ 2024-05-04T21:04 (+2)

Perhaps it’s in the Giving USA Annual Survey? You need a subscription to access it though.

Garrison @ 2024-05-06T20:34 (+2)

Hm yeah, I think the previous analysis was done on top of that report, so if anyone has access to it, it might be helpful.

James Herbert @ 2024-05-08T10:21 (+5)

Maybe René Bekkers can help you out? He's the director of the Center for Philanthropic Studies at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. They focus on EU + Dutch stuff, e.g., they contributed to the 2017 Giving in Europe report. You can find his email address here. I don't know him well but he attended a small event we organised.