Scott Alexander — Meditations on Moloch

By JP Addison @ 2014-07-30T14:09 (+10)

This is a linkpost to

Scott Alexander's master work. I tried looking for an excerpt to use, but it's hard to quote. Block out some time this evening and read it through if you haven't. It has my high recommendation.

JP Addison @ 2021-12-09T15:13 (+5)

This post did a really good thing to how I see the world's problems. So much of what's wrong with the world is the fault of no one. Encapsulating the dynamics at play into "Moloch" helped me change the way I viewed/view the world, at a pretty fundamental level.

Tristan Williams @ 2023-09-29T11:00 (+1)

I read Meditations and came away...a bit confused. I hope to read it again some time, but could you give me some guidance as to what exactly you picked up from it?