Talk to me about your summer plans

By Akash @ 2022-05-04T21:26 (+87)

TLDR: Please reach out to me if you are interested in improving the long-term future and want to discuss possible summer opportunities.


You have about 1450 waking hours this summer. How are you going to spend them?

I've recently had some 1:1s with talented students who want to reduce x-risk. A few observations:

What I can do

If you want to improve the long-term future this summer, please reach out to me. Specific things I can do:

Specific things I will try not to do:

What to do if you're interested

Send me a message :

Please spend less than 5 minutes on this; I will ask you if I need more information.

Who should do this?

I expect I will be most helpful to people who are interested in longtermist movement-building and AI safety. I'm still happy to talk to people with other interests, though, and I'm also happy to connect them to others.


I have never offered something like this via the forum before. I might decide to stop doing this, and I won't accept 100% of requests.

I am also not a career advisor. I'm just someone who asks questions, talks to people, and sometimes has thoughts about careers.

nicolenohemi @ 2022-05-05T01:14 (+12)

Hi Akash, awesome that you're doing this! 👏🏼 I'm working on putting together reading groups & curated lists [removed the link as it's currently being edited]

kristin.ho @ 2022-06-16T02:44 (+1)

Thank you for your offer! I am very interested! Will DM you my info.