Giving What We Can March 2022 Newsletter

By Giving What We Can @ 2022-03-31T15:03 (+10)

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We’ve recently released an update on our strategy as an organisation. Make sure to read it if you’d like to hear more about our current plans, our vision for the future, and how you can help us achieve our goal of creating a world where giving effectively and significantly is a cultural norm.

 Read our strategy update 

In the strategy update, you’ll also see we’re hiring: we are currently looking for a software engineer, seeking expressions of interest for a senior researcher and executive assistant, and welcoming any general expressions of interest.

If you’re in the UK, don’t forget that the end of the fiscal year is just around the corner, ending on April 5th. Now is a great time to finalise any tax deductible donations through EA funds.

 Donate to highly effectives charities and funds 

We’re also still on the lookout for members who will be available in Oxford April 11-14 or London 15-18 for EA Global and would like to be in a promotional video about effective giving and the pledge. Fill out this form to let us know if you’re interested.

We are really excited about how Giving What We Can and our community can make the world a better place for all its inhabitants, for generations to come, and hope you are too.

Like much of the world, we are devastated to see Ukraine attacked by Russia. Many of us are thinking about how to use our resources to best help those affected by the war at this time. This thoughtful article from member and journalist at Vox, Kelsey Piper, titled How you can help Ukrainians, makes some recommendations on where you can donate, and also discusses some of the difficulties in donating during these crisis situations. We continue to encourage regular thoughtful giving and support our current giving recommendations, in service of our vision of a world where a safe, happy and healthy life is lived by all.

Read on below to learn more about Giving What We Can co-founder William MacAskill’s new book, What We Owe The Future, which is now available for pre-order.

-Grace Adams & the rest of the Giving What We Can team.

Pre-order What We Owe The Future

William MacAskill, co-founder of Giving What We Can and associate professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, has a new book coming out on August 16th that is available now for pre-order.

Early pre-orders are very important in the world of publishing, so if you plan on buying the book at any point, we strongly encourage you to pre-order it now! 

If you pre-order before April 30th and fill out this form, you’ll have a chance to have one of 8 one-on-one calls that Will is having with readers to discuss the book. 

You can pre-order the book here in the US or here in the UK (it should also be on Amazon in most other countries).

William is one of the co-founders of the effective altruism movement, which guides much of our guidance on where to donate. His new book, What We Owe The Future, makes the case for longtermism, the view that positively influencing the longterm future is a key moral priority of our time. We just released a video on the ideas behind longtermism, which you can watch here.

If you have any questions about ordering the book, feel free to email

Peter is a new member who took the full pledge after trying giving out, this is a great strategy to see if the pledge is right for you!









Ways you can support us!

Attend An Event


April Meetup (Americas/Oceania)

April Meetup (Europe/Asia)

Open Forum

Our open forum is an event where you can come along with questions about effective giving or just come along to meet others interested in effective giving. Alternates between Americas/Oceania and Europe/Asia.

April Open Forum (Americas/Oceania)

In person Oxford Meet up

In person London Meet up

News & Updates 

Effective altruism community

Evaluators, grantmakers and incubators

Cause areas

Animal welfare

Global health and development

Long-term future

You can now support Giving What We Can’s operations using EA Funds

[ Donate ]

This funding helps us to inspire donations to high impact charities




Useful Links

You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok and subscribe to the EA Newsletter for more news and articles.

Do you have questions about the pledge, Giving What We Can, or effective altruism in general? Check out our FAQ page, or contact us directly.