Longtermism and animals: Resources + join our Discord community!

By Ren Ryba @ 2023-01-31T10:45 (+102)

Key points

Background to animals and longtermism

There are many reasons why animal advocacy and longtermism can help each other do even more good. These reasons are explored in detail in the resources that we list below. To quickly name a few:

Animals may also interact with new phenomena, like artificial intelligence, space colonisation, artificial sentience, and brain emulations in ways that are likely to have serious moral implications.

So far, research on animals in the long-term future has fallen into these broad buckets:

Resources on animals and longtermism

General animals and longtermism

The effects of artificial intelligence on animals

Wild animal suffering in the long-term future

Factory farming and space exploration

Moral circle expansion

(Credit: some of these resources I discovered on the Discord and in these slides)

Organisations working on longtermism and animals

There are a few organisations and people working on longtermism and animals, whether explicitly or indirectly. Many of these will already be well-known in EA circles (e.g. Animal Ethics, Sentience Institute, Wild Animal Initiative, Rethink Priorities, Center on Long-Term Risk, Center for Reducing Suffering, Good Ancestors Project). The biggest initiative that I'm aware of that might be less well-known in EA circles is the NYU Mind, Ethics, and Policy (MEP) Program (EA Forum post here).

The charity we almost started

(This post describes work I've pursued in my spare time, and isn't directly related to my job at Animal Ask.)