College technical AI safety hackathon retrospective - Georgia Tech

By yixiong @ 2024-11-14T13:34 (+18)

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TLDR: the AI safety initiative at Georgia Tech recently hosted an AI safety focused track at the college's flagship AI hackathon. In this post I share how it went and some of our thoughts.


Hey!  I’m Yixiong, co-director of Georgia Tech’s AI safety student group.  We recently hosted an AI safety focused track at Georgia Tech’s biggest AI hackathon, AI ATL.  I’m writing this retrospective because I think this could be a useful data point to update on for fellow AIS groups thinking about hosting similar things!

The track was focused on evaluations on safety-critical and interesting capabilities, this is the track page that was shown to hackers (feel free to reuse/borrow content, just let us know!)

Huge thank you (in no particular order) to Michael Chen, Long Phan, Andrey Anurin, Abdur Raheem, Esben Kran, Zac Hatfield-Dodds, Aaron Begg, Alex Albert, Oliver Zhang, and others who helped us make this happen!


Quick stats:

Relevant track details:

We tried to optimize the track in a bunch of ways, including but not limited to:


As with all events, execution matters a lot.  This is the area that we felt could be improved the most.

Our opinion/takes

What’s next?

I think our attempt serves as a successful proof of concept for bringing the topics of AI safety/alignment hackathons to campuses.  People will engage with the topic if you try really hard.  Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you’re thinking of something similar and want to learn more about what we did!

Two things we might do in the future:

Thanks for reading and I hope it wasn’t too noisy!

Yixiong & the Georgia Tech AISI team.