Critical Review of Modelling Strategies against Pandemics

By Jérémy Andréoletti🔸 @ 2024-10-07T11:18 (+33)

Context: This project was carried out as part of the Biosecurity Fundamentals “Pandemics Course”, by BlueDot Impact, and won the runner-up prize in the 'Novel research' category. I warmly thank the organisers, facilitators and other cohort participants and encourage anyone interested in biosecurity to attend this course.

Epistemic status: As a PhD student in macroevolutionary modelling, I am confident of my expertise in the modelling aspects, and epidemiological modelling specifically to a lesser extent. I’m more uncertain about the policy implications, in particular the extent to which these models are or would actually be used by policymakers. The various sources presented in this post aim to fill this gap, and I look forward to feedback from people with more hands-on experience in the comments.

How to read this post: 1) Quickly browse the TL;DR; 2.a) if you just want some more detail, read the Executive Summary, 2.b) if you want to delve into specific modelling interventions, read the Introduction, Inclusion and evaluation criteria, then proceed to the relevant sections.

Thanks: I am very grateful to @JoshuaBlake, @Rory Greig, @Alix Pham, Emil @Iftekhar, @Al-Hussein Saqr and @Vincent Niger AE for their detailed comments on the manuscript and excellent suggestions, as well as to Will, Bea, Aminu, Charbel-Raphaël, Ava, Élisa, William, Moeen and Nadia for their helpful feedback at various stages of the project!


Executive summary


The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the devastating impacts that pandemics can have on global health, economies, and societal stability. It also underscored the need for better preparedness to handle future pandemics, especially those that may lead to even more catastrophic scenarios. To this end, we must leverage all the tools that can help predict, prevent, and mitigate pandemics more effectively. In this report, we will focus on modelling tools — mathematical or computational frameworks for understanding disease dynamics — in that they represent a key ingredient for data-driven decision-making before and during pandemics.

A Theory of Change (ToC) is a roadmap that outlines how a specific intervention is expected to lead to desired outcomes, mapping out the intermediary causal relationships. This report provides a critical review of various modelling interventions and their theories of change targeted at pandemic preparedness, prevention, and response. The objective is to identify which types of models are most effective in different stages of a pandemic and how these models can be integrated into policy decisions to enhance global health security. Major challenges include the scarcity of data early in a pandemic and the currently imperfect connection between model development and public health decision-making.

Interventions and Theories of Change

Seven relevant interventions and their associated ToCs are examined — the selection process is detailed in the full report. Each intervention starts at one of three stages of pandemic response : preparedness, early response or late response (see diagram below). Details on each intervention are given in the next section.

Overview of key modelling interventions and their corresponding theories of change (ToCs) in the context of pandemic preparedness and response. It maps out the progression from the pre-epidemic period, to a pathogen (re-)emergence and eventual turn into a global pandemic. Modelling Interventions are represented by green boxes, The yellow boxes represent intermediate ToC steps, i.e. actions or decisions by governments and health institutions that are informed by the modelling interventions. The blue boxes illustrate the intended health outcomes that result from successful ToC implementations. Interventions are numbered (1 to 7).


This report compiles a range of modelling approaches, and proposes a qualitative evaluation through a structured assessment framework. All interventions were analysed based on the following criteria.


  1. Decision-Relevance to Catastrophic Pandemics: How robust and applicable the ToC is to worst-case pandemic scenarios, including its pathogen-agnostic capabilities and empirical support.
    Examined catastrophic scenarios are “wildfire” pandemics, characterised by a highly lethal and transmissible virus that quickly overwhelms essential services, and “stealth” pandemics, involving a virus with a long incubation period that spreads widely before detection.
  2. Tractability: The feasibility of developing and applying these models.
  3. Neglectedness: The degree of attention and resources currently devoted to each intervention.
  4. Dual-Use Risks: The potential for these models to be misused, particularly in ways that could exacerbate rather than mitigate pandemic risks.

Disclaimer: Most of the evaluation effort has been devoted to the first criterion. Tractability, neglectedness and dual-use risks are more subject to revision in future, more thorough analyses.

Each assessment is supported by a range of sources, such as reports from international or national health organisations, modelling papers or expert blog posts. References and excerpts can be found in the respective section of each intervention.

Weighted factor model combining all evaluation criteria to obtain a final aggregate score and evaluation.

Then the modelling interventions are classified into one of 3 categories based on their final score as follows:

Key Recommendations

I have identified two major challenges and formulated recommendations to mitigate these problems, based on the evaluation and on interventions suggested in the examined sources:

Challenge - Modelling Under Uncertainty: A recurring theme in this review is the difficulty of making informed decisions in the early stages of a pandemic, where data is scarce, and uncertainty is high.

Challenge - Integration into Policy: One of the most significant challenges is the need for closer integration between modelling efforts and policymaking. This is the first Initiative recommended in the report Strengthening pandemic preparedness and response through integrated modelling by the WHO, OECD and World Bank. Real-time collaboration between modellers and decision-makers, as demonstrated by initiatives like the MIDAS network, can ensure that the right questions are asked and that the models used are relevant and actionable.


Pandemics are inevitable, but their catastrophic impacts are not. By identifying and leveraging effective interventions, including modelling tools, we can build a more resilient global health infrastructure that is better prepared to prevent, detect, and respond to future pandemics.

Full report — Introduction

The threat of catastrophic pandemics, particularly those that could emerge unnoticed or spread rapidly, has been a central concern in EA discussions. Despite the potential scale of this risk, it's not enough to assume that all biosecurity interventions are inherently valuable or cost-effective. In fact, many proposed strategies may not justify the investment required, especially when compared to more established alternatives in other cause areas — a concern already raised by Joshua Blake on his blog.

Why this post?

I am personally considering a career shift towards epidemiological modelling, with the goal of contributing to the prevention or mitigation of catastrophic pandemics. However, I feel the need for more rigorous justification before dedicating a significant portion of my time and energy to this field.

Only, it's hard to assess the effectiveness of any intervention if we don't first know what it's supposed to accomplish, and how! This post aims to do just that by reviewing key modelling interventions and their theories of change (ToCs) targeted at preventing catastrophic pandemics. I'll provide a qualitative evaluation of 7 modelling interventions and their ToCs, drawing from various sources, case studies, and my own estimates. This review is intended as a first step toward more comprehensive evaluations, ensuring that investments in modelling for pandemic preparedness and response are truly justified and impactful.

Modelling tools for preventing and responding to pandemics

When it comes to preventing and responding to pandemics, various modelling tools have been employed, each with its own strengths and applications. Here are some definitions that may be useful for the rest of the post.

TYPES OF MODELS (in an epidemiological context)

  • Agent-based models represent agents’ behaviours at the individual level
  • Compartmental models divide a population into compartments based on disease status and describe the flow of individuals between compartments over time
  • Network models represent a population as nodes (individuals) connected by edges (interactions), capturing how diseases spread through contact networks
  • Integrated (epidemiological–macroeconomic) models merge transmission drivers, health systems, health outcomes, and socio-economic considerations into a common framework. They may themselves be agent-based, compartmental or network models.


  • Simulation = recreating in silico the spread of a potential pathogen and/or the effect of various policy scenarios
  • Statistical inference = estimating empirical values of a model’s parameters based on observed data
    • Detection = identifying signatures indicative of the early spread of a novel pathogen or a new strain of an existing pathogen
    • Characterisation = analysing the properties of a pathogen
    • Surveillance = monitoring the current spread of a pathogen

In this project, I primarily focus on epidemiological models, excluding other computational and AI tools that have been developed to model biological systems, and are used to design vaccines and therapeutics (see the 2022 CEPI report Delivering Pandemic Vaccines in 100 Days).

Inclusion and evaluation criteria

To ensure that the interventions and theories of change included in this assessment are relevant, they were selected based on criteria designed to filter out approaches that may lack a clear connection to public health outcomes or fail to focus on large-scale catastrophic pandemics.

Properties of included interventions and theories of change

  1. Clear connection from a modelling intervention to a public health impact:
    Each ToC must link the proposed modelling intervention to tangible public health outcomes, leaving no gap in the expected path to impact.
  2. Relevance for large-scale catastrophic pandemics:
    The ToCs should specifically target scenarios that involve widespread, high-impact pandemics.
  3. At least one source (implicitly or explicitly) promoting it:
    Interventions and ToCs must be backed by at least one credible source within the broader biosecurity or epidemiological community that advocates for their use in the context of pandemic prevention, preparedness or response.

Evaluation factors

To my knowledge, the report by Founders Pledge summarised in Box 1 provides the best qualitative framework to compare biosecurity interventions, although they haven’t published a comprehensive and systematic assessment of ToCs in the field.

Box 1: Founders Pledge - Global Catastrophic Biological Risks report - Guiding Principles for Effective Philanthropy

Key points highlighted in the report (p.82):

  • Philanthropists can derive guiding principles (or “impact multipliers — see below) from the considerations above. These include:
    • Focusing on worst-case scenarios,
    • Funding interventions that are robust to the entire spectrum of risk,
    • Pursuing pathogen- and threat-agnostic approaches,
    • Using policy advocacy to leverage existing societal resources,
    • Prioritizing interventions with near-term positive externalities,
    • Avoiding various grantmaker dilemmas, including information hazards.
  • Together, these guiding principles can help point towards concrete funding opportunities.

In order to make my qualitative evaluation more transparent, I used the following four criteria:

 These criteria were employed to build a weighted factor model (i.e. a weighted sum over individual scores for each criterion) in this evaluation sheet: Evaluation - ToCs for modelling in epidemiology.

NB: I am more confident in my evaluations of the decision-relevance for the catastrophic scenarios, which are each supported by several sources, than in my evaluations of neglectedness, tractability and the dual-use risk, which are less well-grounded. This is why I give more weight in the first criterion in the factored model. If you have relevant expertise and disagree with any of the evaluations, please share it in the comments.

At the end, each intervention is classified into one of 3 categories based on its final score as follows:

The ⚠️ sign indicates a potential substantial dual-use risk.

This framework sets a structured approach for evaluating interventions, selecting the most relevant and safe ones for further exploration and investment.

Weighted factor model combining all evaluation criteria to obtain a final aggregate score and evaluation.

Modelling interventions, by chronological order

The interventions were collected through a literature review of national and international reports, EA forum posts and some scientific articles, on the topic of modelling against pandemics, with a preference for documents focused on prioritisation, evidence of connections to decision-making or prevention of catastrophic scenarios. Theories of change are sometimes explicitly extracted from one of the sources (referenced in the corresponding section), and otherwise proposed de novo to concisely synthesise the underlying rationale.


Overview of key modelling interventions and their corresponding theories of change (ToCs) in the context of pandemic preparedness and response. It maps out the progression from the pre-epidemic period, to a pathogen (re-)emergence and eventual turn into a global pandemic. Modelling Interventions are represented by green boxes, The yellow boxes represent intermediate ToC steps, i.e. actions or decisions by governments and health institutions that are informed by the modelling interventions. The blue boxes illustrate the intended health outcomes that result from successful ToC implementations. Interventions are numbered (1 to 7).

The diagram outlines three potential health outcomes that can be achieved through effective modelling interventions. The first — and most ideal — outcome is the prevention of a potential emerging outbreak, when proactive preparedness measures avert the onset of an epidemic before it even emerges. The second outcome is the suppression of a local outbreak, achieved through the early detection of outbreaks and the rapid implementation of containment strategies, preventing the spread of the virus beyond a localised area. Finally, if the epidemic has failed to be prevented or contained, the last positive outcome is the mitigation of the overall impact of a pandemic, where a various efforts — encompassing prevention, early response, optimised interventions, and adaptive policies — informed by modelling, could decrease the pandemic's overall severity.

We will investigate each of these in more detail.

Preparedness Interventions

[1] Understanding factors of pathogen (re-)emergence ⭐⭐⚠️

Description: This ToC outlines a strategic pathway that emphasises preventive interventions. It begins with understanding the factors contributing to pathogen emergence, which informs public and private investment in preventive measures aimed at reducing the likelihood of an outbreak. If a pathogen does emerge, some preventive measures (e.g. genetic surveillance, broad-spectrum preventive vaccines, indoor air hygiene) may make it more likely to have early containment and mitigation measures ready to be deployed.

Examples of such models:

EVALUATION | Understanding factors of pathogen (re-)emergence

  • Decision-relevance for catastrophic pandemics: Medium
    • Robustness of the ToC: Medium to High. Preventive measures exist, and such models could be useful to decide where and how to implement them. The ability to trigger effective early containment measures cost-effectively remains uncertain.
    • Relevance for worst-case scenarios: Medium. Most relevant for natural pandemics, which are less likely to be catastrophic, and possibly accidental lab-leak scenarios, but less so for intentional release.
    • Pathogen-agnosticism: Medium to High. Some of these models are pathogen-specific, others are more general.
    • Empirical evidence: Low? I haven’t investigated their track record in detail. The counterfactual impact of preventive measures seems hard to assess.
  • Tractability: Medium to High
    • Several such models have already been built. They can be developed during inter-pandemic times.
  • Neglectedness: Medium
    • This is an active area of research, though some questions are more neglected (e.g. lab accident models).
  • Dual-use risk: Low to Medium
    • Very model-dependant, but the ones that predict detailed pathways of pathogen emergence could be misused by bioterrorists to find and weaponize pathogens, or where to release them.

Conclusion: Models of pathogen (re-)emergence are valuable for guiding preventive measures against natural pandemics, with high pathogen-agnosticism and tractability. However, their relevance for worst-case scenarios and effectiveness in practice remains to be established, plus there is some dual-use risk. I would tentatively recommend focusing on models of accidental lab release.

[2] Simulating realistic preparedness scenarios ⭐⭐⚠️

Description: This ToC focuses on the use of (new or existing) simulation models for pandemic preparedness. These models can vary key epidemic and response parameters and simulate a range of realistic pandemic scenarios, including catastrophic ones, with the goal to inform the design of pandemic preparedness and response strategies. Notably, simulations give the possibility for decision-makers to engage in wargaming exercises, stress-testing their strategies against diverse threats. This approach aims to help governments be better prepared to deploy early containment measures, optimised response policies, and ultimately reduce the overall impact of a pandemic. On a broader level, simulation models can help as well to assess which other modelling or non-modelling interventions should be prioritised, and they are also highly relevant to other interventions (see n°5 and n°6).

Examples of such models:

EVALUATION | Simulating realistic preparedness scenarios

  • Decision-relevance for catastrophic pandemics: High
    • Robustness of the ToC: High. These models provide useful insights for developing well-rounded preparedness and response strategies. Some International Organisations and National Health agencies expressed interest in using these models for pandemic preparedness, but the level of interest and investment may prove disappointing outside of pandemic times. Another robustness factor is that if these models end up less relevant than expected for preparedness, they may prove essential for showcasing pandemic potential (n°5) or forecasting policy impacts (n°6) during a pandemic.
    • Relevance for worst-case scenarios: High. They allow exploring catastrophic scenarios, in particular for wargaming exercises.
    • Pathogen-agnosticism: High. The models are adaptable to various epidemiological parameters.
    • Empirical evidence: Medium. Simulations have been used by decision-makers for pandemic preparedness, though not widely. More examples are given in interventions 5 and 6 on the later use of simulation models for epidemic response, notably during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Tractability: Medium to High
    • Several models already exist, with clear paths to improvement. They can be developed and refined during inter-pandemic periods. However, there are grounds for concern that the use of simulation models may not be hindered so much by technical developments as by their integration into policy decision-making, which appears significantly less tractable.
  • Neglectedness: Medium to High
    • While pandemic modelling is an active field, specific areas like integrated models for policy-making could benefit from more focused research (further details in intervention 6). In addition, much more efforts could be made to bring existing models to decision-makers.
  • Dual-use risk: Low to Medium
    • The detailed simulations could potentially be misused to explore scenarios that benefit malicious actors.

Conclusion: Simulating realistic scenarios is robust and relevant for pandemic preparedness, particularly in generating realistic and catastrophic scenarios. Its high pathogen-agnosticism and tractability make it a valuable tool. However, we should make sure that these models do meet the needs of decision-makers, and probably focus on making a better use of existing – potentially unsophisticated – models rather than prioritising the development of new ones.

Early response Interventions

[3] Detecting (stealth) outbreaks early ⭐⭐

Description: This ToC emphasises the importance of early detection in managing potential pandemics, particularly those caused by stealth pathogens that spread widely before symptoms become apparent. Early detection models, such as those analysing wastewater or social media data, aim to identify signs of an outbreak before it escalates. Once detected, these models enable governments to deploy early containment measures, such as sanitation efforts or localised lockdowns, which can suppress the outbreak at its source. If unsuccessful, these actions can still delay the global spread and/or lead to earlier mitigation measures, leading to a reduced overall impact of the pandemic.

Examples of such models:

EVALUATION | Detecting (stealth) outbreaks early

  • Decision-relevance for catastrophic pandemics: Medium
    • Robustness of the ToC: Medium. It is unlikely that even an early detection would be sufficient to enable the local containment of an outbreak (in the scenarios we focus on). However in some cases it may enable response measures to be deployed earlier enough to mitigate the pandemic impact.
    • Relevance for worst-case scenarios: Medium to High. Low for wildfire pandemics, given that unusual symptoms would probably be detected shortly afterwards anyway. High for stealth pandemics where early symptoms are delayed for a long time, though it is uncertain that adequate mitigation measures would be put in place in case of early asymptomatic detection.
    • Pathogen-agnosticism: High. Some models look for specific symptoms or pathogens, but several are designed specifically to detect a wide range of pathogens.
    • Empirical evidence: Medium. Taiwan's successful COVID-19 response showed that early mitigation measures can be effective, but this evidence doesn’t necessarily extend to faster or stealthier scenarios.
  • Tractability: Medium
    • These models are reasonably tractable to develop, but the bottleneck probably lies more in the (potentially very expensive) large-scale data collection.
  • Neglectedness: Medium
    • There is ongoing research on early detection using integrating new data sources, but pathogen-agnostic stealth pandemic detection is much more neglected.
  • Dual-use risk: Very low

Conclusion: The theory of change of early-detection models appears less robust in several respects, particularly for wildfire pandemics or if the aim is to locally contain the outbreak. The main value seems to reside in the detection of stealth pandemics in order to trigger early mitigation measures. Following one of Conrad Kunadu’s recommendations, it therefore appears essential to “enhance the strength and credibility of early detection signals to improve public compliance and political will for rapid response”.

[4] Assessing pathogen properties ⭐⭐⭐

Description: This ToC focuses on the early assessment of pathogen transmission and virulence properties shortly after a pathogen is detected. Accurate and rapid estimation of these properties is critical for enabling health institutions to perform risk assessments and declare a public health emergency if needed. This, in turn, triggers early containment and mitigation measures by governments, which aim to suppress the outbreak at the local level before it can escalate into a pandemic, or reduce the overall impact of the pandemic. These parameters are also key to calibrate other models used to estimating the pandemic potential (n°5) or forecasting the impacts of policies (n°6).

Examples of such models:

EVALUATION | Assessing pathogen properties

  • Decision-relevance for catastrophic pandemics: High
    • Robustness of the ToC: High. Early, reliable estimates of pathogen properties are essential for initiating effective measures. The ToC through outbreak suppression is uncertain, but the one through mitigation is credible. In addition, these models also provide key parameter estimates for other models.
    • Relevance for worst-case scenarios: Medium to High. These models are essential to respond to any pandemic scenario. However, to my knowledge, no such model has been tailored in advance specifically for a wildfire or a stealth pandemic.
    • Pathogen-agnosticism: High.
    • Empirical evidence: High. These models are already widely used for pandemic response.
  • Tractability: Medium
    • Developing and applying these models is feasible, though attempting to provide accurate estimates much earlier might prove challenging.
  • Neglectedness: Low to Medium
    • These models are already well developed. However, limited effort has been invested in preparing property assessment pipelines for priority pathogen families.
  • Dual-use risk: Very low
    • These models are used once the epidemic has started.

Conclusion: Assessing pathogen properties is robust and essential in an early pandemic response to characterise new pathogens in order to inform containment (with a low chance of success) and mitigation strategies. Although these models are pathogen-agnostic and are supported by empirical evidence, they are not widely neglected. This suggests a need to focus on specific research projects that hold more promise, such as tailoring inference models to catastrophic pandemic scenarios, or preparing pipelines for various pathogen families to provide credible transmission and virulence estimates much earlier.

[5] Estimating the pandemic potential ⭐⭐⭐

Description: This ToC centres on the rapid estimation of a pathogen's pandemic potential, which is critical for raising the alarm and guiding early response strategies. The key goal is to quickly assess how likely a newly emerged pathogen is to cause widespread, severe outbreaks, and whether it could escalate into a pandemic. Health institutions can then perform risk assessments under uncertainty that inform the decision to declare a public health emergency. This early estimation helps governments and organisations deploy containment and mitigation measures in a timely manner, ideally suppressing the outbreak locally and reducing its overall impact. For instance, the 100 Days Mission aims to fast-track global pandemic response by preparing the deployment of effective diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines within 100 days of a WHO-declared Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

Examples of such models:

EVALUATION | Estimating the pandemic potential

  • Decision-relevance for catastrophic pandemics: High
    • Robustness of the ToC: High. Accurate early estimation of pandemic potential is crucial for prompt and effective response. Providing simulations and death toll estimates appears to be particularly effective to convince policy-makers.
    • Relevance for worst-case scenarios: High. These estimates are especially essential to raise the alarm early in a wildfire pandemic scenario or credibly in a stealth pandemic scenario.
    • Pathogen-agnosticism: High.
    • Empirical evidence: High. The use of these models during COVID-19 has demonstrated their significant impact on policy decisions.
  • Tractability: Low to Medium
    • Developing improved models seems feasible, although there may be a high risk of irreducible modelling uncertainty on the pandemic potential when limited early data is available.
  • Neglectedness: Medium
    • Some research is being undergone on this topic, though there seems to be room for quicker, more accurate assessments of pandemic potential.
  • Dual-use risk: Low
    • These models might potentially be used to optimise the pandemic potential of weaponized pathogens.

Conclusion: Estimating pandemic potential seems highly relevant and robust for raising the alarm and managing early responses to potential pandemics. Models play a critical role in quickly showcasing the potential (catastrophic) impacts of a new pathogen, thereby convincing decision-makers to act quickly. More work could be done to push the limits of modelling under strong uncertainty early in a pandemic when access to data is limiting, and integrate these models to decision-making processes.

Late response Interventions

[6] Forecasting joint health and economic impacts of policies ⭐⭐

Description: This ToC focuses on real-time and medium-term forecasting to guide the deployment of optimised response policies during pandemics. By using integrated models, policymakers can evaluate the trade-offs inherent in different intervention strategies, such as lockdowns, vaccination campaigns, or economic support measures, to minimise the overall impact of the pandemic on both public health and the economy. This intervention is similar to intervention 2 (Simulating realistic preparedness scenarios), but focuses on improving the policy response during a pandemic, whereas the latter focuses on preparedness.

Examples of such models:

EVALUATION | Forecasting joint health and economic impacts of policies

  • Decision-relevance for catastrophic pandemics: Medium
    • Robustness of the ToC: High. Accurate forecasts are directly useful for selecting balanced and effective pandemic response policies.
    • Relevance for worst-case scenarios: Medium. These models might prove useful slightly too late for such scenarios, compared with those used for preparedness, prevention and rapid response. Health and economic trade-offs would be less relevant in a catastrophic pandemic that may have to be stopped ‘at all costs’.
    • Pathogen-agnosticism: High. Some of these models have been tailored to specific epidemics, but they can be adapted to other pathogens.
    • Empirical evidence: High. They have proven valuable in real-world settings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Tractability: Medium
    • These are complex models requiring interdisciplinary collaborations, but their development would benefit from more researchers.
  • Neglectedness: Low to Medium
    • There is ongoing research, but their interdisciplinary nature makes them more neglected than simpler models.
  • Dual-use risk: Low

Conclusion: This Theory of Change is relevant for managing pandemics by forecasting the joint health and economic impacts of various policy options, albeit potentially less for catastrophic scenarios. Continued refinement and integration into real-time decision-making processes would further enhance their effectiveness.

[7] Assessing countermeasure effectiveness in real time ⭐

Description: This ToC focuses on the ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of public health countermeasures during a pandemic. The key aim is to continuously evaluate and adapt these interventions to ensure they remain effective as the pandemic evolves.

Examples of such models:

EVALUATION | Assessing countermeasure effectiveness in real time

  • Decision-relevance for catastrophic pandemics: Low to Medium
    • Robustness of the ToC: Medium. Continuously assessing and adapting countermeasures is useful to maintaining an effective pandemic response as the situation evolves. However, their counterfactual impact may be limited by their use to adjust countermeasures at the margin and later in the pandemic, making them most relevant to better respond to secondary waves or future pandemics.
    • Relevance for worst-case scenarios: Low to Medium. In many catastrophic scenarios, early responses will be particularly critical. For example, a wildfire pandemic may not offer enough time to properly assess the effectiveness of the selected countermeasures.
    • Pathogen-agnosticism: High.
    • Empirical evidence: Medium. Studies carried out on the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the possibility of continuously evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, although many of these retrospective evaluations were published well after the first wave of infection.
  • Tractability: Medium
    • Such methods have already been well developed, but a key difficulty remains to disentangle the effect of these often simultaneous interventions, especially if the aim is to provide reliable real time estimates.
  • Neglectedness: Low to Medium
    • This area doesn’t appear to be particularly neglected.
  • Dual-use risk: Very low

Conclusion: Assessing the effectiveness of countermeasures is relevant for managing pandemics effectively in the long term by ensuring that public health interventions are continuously refined, although it may prove less useful for catastrophic scenarios. Promising avenues could include exploring the possibility of providing good estimates in real time, or focusing entirely on using these models retrospectively for preparedness rather than response.


This review explored various modelling interventions and how they can be leveraged to prevent or mitigate the impacts of pandemics. Each intervention was evaluated based on its decision-relevance (i.e. the robustness, relevance to catastrophic scenarios, pathogen-agnosticism and empirical evidence of its theory of change), as well as its tractability, neglectedness, and potential dual-use risks.

Key Insights

Preparedness: Modelling interventions that inform prevention measures, e.g. through predicting the risk of zoonotic or lab-leak outbreaks, offer valuable insights, even though their cost-effectiveness and relevance to worst-case scenarios should be better established. Simulation models, in turn, are crucial for preparing for a wide range of potential pandemics, including catastrophic ones.

Early Response: The importance of early detection and rapid assessment of pathogen properties cannot be overstated. Quickly providing credible signals of pandemic potential to policymakers might be particularly effective in this regard. However, these models might prove less relevant against highly transmissible outbreaks, which may render local containment efforts moot.

Late Response: Forecasting the joint health and economic impacts of policies, as well as assessing the effectiveness of countermeasures in real time are important for managing pandemics as they unfold. On the other hand, actions need to be taken very early, even preventatively, to avoid catastrophic pandemic scenarios, which undermines the relevance of these late-response interventions.

Challenges and Recommendations

Challenge - Modelling Under Uncertainty: A recurring theme in this review is the difficulty of making informed decisions in the early stages of a pandemic, where data is scarce, and uncertainty is high

Challenge - Integration into Policy: One of the most significant challenges is the need for closer integration between modelling efforts and policymaking. This is the first Initiative recommended in the report Strengthening pandemic preparedness and response through integrated modelling by WHO, OECD and The World Bank. Real-time collaboration between modellers and decision-makers, as demonstrated by initiatives like the MIDAS network, can ensure that the right questions are asked and that the models used are relevant and actionable.

Open Questions and Areas for Further Investigation

In conclusion, while significant progress has been made in the field of pandemic modelling, notably during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is still much work to be done to ensure that these tools are as effective and impactful as possible. In addition, I call for similar work to be carried out for other interventions and ToCs in biosecurity, and in a more systematic way, combining for example the EA approach of Founders Pledge’s Global Catastrophic Biological Risks report with the systematicity of WHO’s Pathogens prioritization: a scientific framework for epidemic and pandemic research preparedness report.

Vasco Grilo🔸 @ 2024-10-10T13:48 (+2)

Great work, Jérémy!

Vincent Niger AE @ 2024-10-25T10:47 (+1)

Thank you, Jérémy, for this excellent piece of work! It inspires me to delve further into simulation models for wargaming exercises. I believe these drills offer numerous benefits, particularly for maintaining pandemic risk awareness among stakeholders, including those who may be skeptical about scenarios involving non-naturally occurring threats. Do you think such exercises could still be impactful without relying on the highest-risk, most detailed dual-use simulation models?

Alix Pham @ 2024-10-11T13:32 (+1)

Thank you Jérémy for this thorough work! It's quite interesting that the earliest interventions seem the most risky, while early response seems the ones to prioritize.