Open thread: January - March 2025

By Toby Tremlett🔹 @ 2025-01-01T20:20 (+13)

Welcome! Use this thread to introduce yourself or ask questions about anything that confuses you about EA, or the EA Forum. 

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1. Introduce yourself

If you'd like, share how you became interested in effective altruism, what causes you work on and prioritize, and other fun facts about yourself, in the comments below (For inspiration, you can see the last open thread here). You can also add this information to your Forum bio to help other Forum users get to know you. 

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2. Ask questions (and answer others' questions)

If anything about the Forum, or effective altruism in general, confuses you, ask your questions in the comments below, or message me. You can also answer other people's questions or discuss the answers. (You might be interested in sharing your question as its own post, if it's on a more complicated or substantial topic.) 

Resources like the EA Handbook and the Topics wiki might be helpful for exploring topics related to effective altruism — see more here

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If you're unsure whether your first post is suitable for the Forum (or whether it should be a question, quick take, etc...) message me and I'll look it over. 

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Alistair Stewart @ 2025-01-29T20:02 (+12)

Hi, I'm Alistair – I'm intending to spend more time reading and posting on the Forum, so wanted to introduce myself here.

I think I came across EA online during early 2020 during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and I remember feeling it was such an obviously good idea that I was surprised that no one had come up with it before about 2008! EA was a significant influence on my decision to go vegan and my coming to consider our use and treatment of sentient non-humans to be a moral atrocity. It also sparked my concern about AI safety.

I'm currently lead organiser of the AI, Animals, & Digital Minds conference in London in June 2025, and would love to speak to people who are interested in the intersection of those three things, especially if they're in London.

I'll be co-working in the LEAH Coworking Space and the Ambitious Impact office in London in 2025, and will be in the Bay Area in California in Feb-Mar for EAG Bay Area (if accepted) and the AI for Animals conference there. Please reach out by DM!

Interested in:


Ceegee @ 2025-01-01T21:00 (+11)

Hello, I'm new to the forums but not new to EA. I've been interested in EA ever since graduating college with a degree in Philosophy (concentration in ethics and morality) in 2009. I've always wanted to make an impact for the good after growing up poor and experiencing a small taste of the suffering poverty causes. 

Philosophy helped me find meaning in reducing the suffering of others, which provides a tangible purpose for myself and creates positive change. I would like to pick up my education in EA and participate more in the community.

I lost sight of my goals in EA after working on my "career" and prioritizing success. I haven't achieved as much success as I initially wanted, but I figure it's better to get back into EA sooner rather than wait for that success to manifest.  

I'd like to build a portfolio of charitable causes and rekindle my giving efforts. Joining this forum is a step in that direction, and I hope to continue my education and participation in EA and make a positive change.

Looking forward to discussions,


Joseph Lemien @ 2025-01-17T15:47 (+6)

Welcome to the forum, Christopher. Glad to have you here. It is pretty rare to find people who have been following EA (or EA-like ideas) for such a long time, even if it is a fairly loose/broad following.

There are lots of good writings around here for rekindling interests and efforts, although sometimes it can be hard to take a broader view if you are following the 'daily news.' I am personally a fan of the forum favorites on this page:

落落 @ 2025-02-09T16:43 (+2)

Hello everyone, I'm Luoluo. I learned about this community from a book called "8000 Hours". I'm really interested in the principles of effective altruism.

I started paying attention to environmental issues when I graduated from college in 2022, and then I began to focus on AI issues. These two topics are among the most pressing global problems I think we're facing. However, I'm still young and haven't studied any related fields, so it's hard for me to contribute my wisdom to these issues.

I hope to see the following discussions in this community:

  1. Discussions on global environmental issues, especially climate change.
  2. The development and utilization of new energy sources. For example, nuclear energy and the use of space technology to develop new energy.
  3. Discussions on curbing AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and the possibilities of using AI to address global problems like environmental issues.
Toby Tremlett🔹 @ 2025-02-10T15:05 (+3)

Hey Luoluo! Welcome to the EA Forum. You might like to check out our topics page to find the discussions which interest you. 

Miquel Banchs-Piqué (prev. mikbp) @ 2025-01-24T10:31 (+1)

There is an Avaaz signature campaign to "Establish National Licensing systems for AGI before it is fully achieved" (started by the director of the Millennium Project, Jerome Glenn) you may want to sign.

I'm not sure how fitting such a petition is for the forum, that's why I put it here. If somebody more involved (forum admins, maybe?) thinks it is worth for it to have a real post, please do it.

Carlos Ramírez @ 2025-01-24T03:30 (+1)

Those expected value arguments about low probability but very high yield opportunities (moonshots) being more valuable than lower yield, but more certain ones, always rubbed me the wrong way. I suppose because in a very real sense, a 1% odds outcome might as well be 0% odds, specially for something that will only be attempted once, but I was also thinking about the economy. I suspect the overwhelming majority of economic activity is directed at lower risk, lower yield opportunities, and that it is necessary for things to be this way for the economy to function: there is some optimal proportion of the economy that should be dedicated to moonshots of course, but I wonder what that is. And similarly for altruism, there is probably some optimal proportion of altruistic effort that should be directed to moonshots, relative to effort on lower risk, lower yield stuff.

Has anyone written about this, about what would be the best proportion of moonshots to non-moonshots in EA? In the economy? My point is that it's not as simple as saying moonshots are better.

I also recently read someone saying that the worst case with a moonshot is that nothing happens, but that is not true, the moonshot has opportunity cost, all the time, effort, and money spent on it could've been used on something else.

Dylan Richardson @ 2025-02-13T10:44 (+1)

A much of the debate on this topic comes down to questions about risk-aversion and the relevant psychology and decision theory thereof, ex:

Although there are other considerations of course.