New Video: A simple guide to giving effectively

By Giving What We Can @ 2022-06-16T02:30 (+28)

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Giving What We Can has released a new video on YouTube called: "A simple guide to giving effectively"

This video is a beginner friendly video that covers:

As many community members may know, Giving What We Can tries to create high quality, accessible content on effective giving and effective altruism to expand our reach and impact - we'd really appreciate you sharing the video or leaving a comment to let us know if you liked it!

Ula @ 2022-06-16T10:13 (+9)

Great video and thanks for mentioning CE :) 
I like how simple it is, and Luke is very relatable in it. Would definitely recommend it to a person not very familiar with EA space.  Good stuff! :) 

Devon Fritz @ 2022-06-16T12:57 (+8)

The video is really high quality, both in terms of production value and content. Well done!