Effective Animal Advocacy Resources

By saulius @ 2019-10-24T10:41 (+119)

This article contains a list of research organizations, newsletters, research libraries, personal blogs, conferences, podcasts, funds, notable written works and other links associated with Effective Animal Advocacy (EAA) movement. The list is biased because I only included resources that I know of. If you think something is missing, please comment.

Introductory materials

Research organizations

Here is a list of organizations and departments that publish animal advocacy strategy research:

In total, there seem to be about 35 full time researcher equivalents in animal advocacy research space. Note that I excluded organizations like Asia Research and Engagement (ARE), Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return (FAIRR), Centre for Animal Welfare Science Excellence and Animal Welfare Foundation that do or fund animal welfare related research that is not directly about advocacy strategy. I also excluded clean meat research.

For incomplete lists of animal advocacy organizations in general see all ACE’s charity reviews and a list of OWA organizations.


Main newsletters:

Most organizations listed in the section above have newsletters that update about their new research. For example, there is Animal Charity Evaluators newsletter, Animal Advocacy Careers newsletter, Faunalytics newsletter and Rethink Priorities newsletter.

Research repositories/libraries

Websites on law and policy

Notable personal blogs/websites


Conferences that are focused on animal advocacy:

The list above excludes:



Also see:


Notable written works

This article is a project of Rethink Priorities. It was primarily written by Saulius Šimčikas. Thanks to Jacob Peacock, Jamie Harris, Marianne van der Werf and Peter Hurford for contributing to the post.

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Jacob_Peacock @ 2020-02-18T21:40 (+3)

The Brooks Animal Law Digest is a good new resource. (Also, I noticed the version of this article on RP's website suggest leaving a comment, but a comment field is not available there.) Thanks for putting this all together, Saulius!

saulius @ 2020-02-21T13:34 (+2)

I added it and corrected the RP website, thanks!

ishaan @ 2020-05-25T04:33 (+1)

Super helpful, I'm about to cite this in the CE curriculum :)

Ula @ 2019-10-25T12:56 (+1)

Thanks Saulius, this is very helpful!