900+ Forecasters on Whether Russia Will Invade Ukraine

By Metaculus @ 2022-02-19T13:29 (+51)

This is a linkpost to https://metaculus.medium.com/900-forecasters-on-whether-russia-will-invade-ukraine-f8b36f7dee0f

by Gaia Dempsey, Metaculus

Today, the world’s attention is riveted by the intensifying military brinkmanship playing out on the Russian-Ukrainian border. People are turning to geopolitical experts and analysts of all stripes to understand whether Russia will invade Ukraine — but few know about public forecasting platforms, which allow people to make quantitative predictions about future events, get scored on their performance over time, and compete for prizes in accuracy tournaments.

Metaculus is an open forecasting platform with a track record of making thousands of predictions on societal and scientific topics since 2015. Its unique approach brings the scientific method of modeling and prediction to critical, complex domains that affect public life.

To find a signal in all the noise, Metaculus aggregates the predictions of the crowd and gives more weight to those with the best track records and the most forecasting skill. The result is the Metaculus Prediction, a statistical bellwether that is hard to beat in terms of accuracy, and provides a great deal of information. Few quantitative predictive measures like it exist, least of all ones that can help us understand the most important and complex issues outside of markets. Decision-makers and the public would do well to pay attention.

Metaculus Odds Favor a Russian Invasion

​​The current Metaculus Prediction gives Russia a 65% chance of invading new territory in Ukraine in 2022. This is 14 percentage points below the current community median of 79% — both are fluctuating rapidly, but overall steadily increasing over the last week. A high degree of uncertainty remains, but an invasion currently seems likelier than not according to this aggregation of over 4,500 forecasts made by over 900 forecasters.

The majority of over 900 forecasters place the likelihood of a Russian invasion between 60–80%

Forecasters pay attention to a wide variety of signals, and their aggregate forecast updates in response to changes in the environment. Individual signals on their own are rarely decisive — indeed, the value of the crowd’s prediction is that it aggregates all of the information considered to be important into a single metric. Below, we’ll look at the most important recent events that forecasters believe may affect the final outcome.

Signals indicating an increasing likelihood of invasion:

At the same time, there are signals indicating a decreasing likelihood of invasion:

The forecasting community are continuing to monitor the situation closely and update based on the latest events. Stay up to date with new forecasts on the Russia-Ukraine conflict by visiting the Metaculus platform.