Looking for guests working in EA Bio fields

By SofiiaF @ 2025-01-19T12:16 (+5)

The podcast I am running (https://linktr.ee/underthemicroscopebiopodcast?subscribe) is very early days and has had some very amazing guests (head of paleogenomics institute, head of AMR network) but I want to also incorporate some more 'EA aligned' explicit topics such as preparing for biosecurity events, pandemic prevention, global health and inequality.

Anyone who has a free hour to hop on a call to answer some questions (I can provide in advance) for about a 20-30 minute segment for a podcast episode on any of these topics:

Eternally grateful for all the help of everyone who shares their time and knowledge. The entire podcast is a passion project that stemmed from 'I want to learn biology' to 'I'll make a podcast too so maybe I can share it with even just one person who it will help'. 

Please contact me at sofiiafurman.reachout@gmail.com
