Resources: Pursuing a career in animal advocacy (even if you're a longtermist!)

By Ren Ryba @ 2023-09-23T01:33 (+37)

This is a collection of resources that I recommend for how, and why, to pursue a career in animal advocacy - particularly if you think animal advocacy might not be for you.

At EAGx Australia 2023, I'm giving a lightning talk on why and how to pursue a career in animal advocacy. I thought I'd make an EA Forum post with links to everything I talk about, as it may help to have all of these resources in one place. The slides from my lightning talk are available here.

Launching independent projects in animal advocacy

Careers in animal advocacy

Longtermism and/or AI in animal advocacy

Online communities

Other top-notch resources

Worldview diversity + skepticism on expecting an automatic victory

Specific interventions I referenced in my talk

I have written these articles on a) political advocacy for animals, and b) outreach for reducing meat consumption. They will be published in the coming weeks on the Animal Ask research database.

Organisations I referenced in my talk

MHR @ 2023-09-23T03:52 (+18)

This is a great list of resources! One thing I'd add is that the effective animal advocacy space is pretty seriously funding constrained right now, and I don't see any signs that the situation is likely to change in the next few years. For that reason, I think it's worth calling out earning to give as a potentially uniquely promising path to impact. Animal Advocacy Careers had a good post on ETG for animals a few months ago. 

lukasj10 @ 2023-09-28T13:25 (+1)

Thanks for putting this together, Ren! 

Double link for Animal Advocacy in the Age of AI (EA Forum), I think.

Ren Springlea @ 2023-09-28T22:57 (+1)

Thanks, fixed :)