- Put Your Mouth Where Your Money Is: A Field Experiment Encouraging Donors to Share About Charity, Ike Silver, Deborah A. Small, Marketing Science, 2023
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between economic inequality and prosocial behaviour,
Yongzheng Yang, Sara Konrath, Nature Human Behavior, 2023 - Bias and Epistemic Injustice in Conversational AI, Sebastian Laacke, The American journal of bioethics, 2023
- The negative impact of vegetarian and vegan labels: Results from randomized controlled experiments with US consumers, Alex Berke, Kent Larson, Appetite, 2023
- Effects of green nudges on consumer valuation of sustainable food: A discrete choice experiment, Valerija Gottselig, Amelie Wuppermann, Christoph Herrmann, GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 2023
- Moral judgments under uncertainty: risk, ambiguity and commission bias, Fei Song, Joel Olney, Felix S. H. Yeung, Current Psychology, 2023
- Activating Change: The Role of Information and Beliefs in Social Activism, Farzana Afridi et al., IZA Discussion Paper No. 16358, 2023
- The U-Shaped Charitable-Giving Curve, Enda P. Hargaden, Nicolas J. Duquette, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2023
- The potential and pitfalls of unit asking in reducing scope insensitivity, Hajdi Moche et al., Judgment and Decision Making, 2023