What I'm celebrating from EA and adjacent work in 2024

By Emma Richter🔸 @ 2024-12-31T21:12 (+126)

As 2024 draws to a close, I’m reflecting on the work and stories that inspired me this year: those from the effective altruism community, those I found out about through EA-related channels, and those otherwise related to EA.

I’ve appreciated the celebration of wins and successes over the past few years from @Shakeel Hashim's posts in 2022 and 2023. As @Lizka and @MaxDalton put very well in a post in 2022:

We often have high standards in effective altruism. This seems absolutely right: our work matters, so we must constantly strive to do better.

But we think that it's really important that the effective altruism community celebrate successes:

Rather than attempting to write a comprehensive review of this year's successes and wins related to EA, I want to share what has personally moved me this year—progress that gave me hope, individual stories and acts of altruism, and work that I found thought-provoking or valuable. I’ve structured the sections below as prompts to invite your own reflection on the year, as I’d love to hear your responses in the comments. We all have different relationships with EA ideas and the community surrounding them, and I find it valuable that we can bring different perspectives and responses to questions like these.

What progress in the world did you find exciting?

What individual stories inspired you?

What popular media or articles did you appreciate?

What writing from this year did you appreciate or find compelling?

What made you grateful or excited to be involved in or related to effective altruism?

Alix Pham @ 2025-01-06T15:30 (+3)

Thank you Emma for your kind words! It means a lot to me to be mentioned in your post in this way.

Kat Woods @ 2025-01-19T17:26 (+2)

Thank you for writing this. I think this really does make a difference for people's motivation and the vibe of the community.