High Impact Professionals: Enabling Working Professionals to Maximize Their Positive Impact

By High Impact Professionals @ 2024-11-11T12:14 (+47)

High Impact Professionals (HIP) has already driven at least 20 career transitions and inspired 20 effective giving pledges in 2024 alone, generating over $1 million in counterfactual impact. To sustain this work, HIP requires a minimum budget of $136,000 for an additional year of operations; however, a preferred baseline budget of $191,000 will enable HIP to expand its work and impact. Our current runway extends to February 2025. With your support, we can continue empowering experienced professionals to make high-impact career changes across diverse causes. Contact us or make a donation here.

2024 Achievements & Impact

In 2024, HIP has achieved the following:

Goals for 2025 & Beyond

In 2025, HIP aims to achieve:

To sustain and expand HIP’s impact, funding is required beyond our current runway, which extends to February 2025.

Case Studies

HIP’s programs have led to significant high-impact career transitions. Here are a few examples:

Funding Priorities

HIP currently has a runway through February 2025 and requires further funding to sustain and grow its impact:

Why Support HIP?

Supporting HIP contributes to a future where experienced professionals across diverse sectors and cause areas can maximize their impact. HIP’s track record demonstrates its success in guiding seasoned professionals into impactful roles, inspiring effective giving pledges, and creating significant counterfactual impact through programs like the IAP and TD. With additional funding, HIP can scale these proven programs, expand resources for high-impact career transitions, and continue connecting skilled professionals to opportunities that drive meaningful, sustainable change. This unique approach fills a critical gap in the EA ecosystem, leveraging the skills, networks, and influence of experienced professionals to create high positive impact across causes.

How to Support HIP?

You can help HIP empower experienced professionals to drive social change by:

Together, we can continue to unlock the potential of skilled professionals to maximize their positive impact across a range of causes.

anon2021 @ 2024-11-11T13:23 (+5)

Can you write some more about HIP's impact before 2024? How many pledges and career transitions have you had since starting HIP?

High Impact Professionals @ 2024-11-12T02:46 (+2)

Thank you for your question. Since its inception, HIP has been dedicated to finding the most effective ways to maximize impact by empowering working professionals. Our journey started with a focus on corporate fundraising, but after trialing various strategies and gathering insights, we found that on the margin, talent holds the most transformative potential today. Through an iterative approach—testing hypotheses and refining our programs—we uncovered that connecting skilled professionals with high-impact roles offered the greatest leverage.

This led us to launch two new initiatives in 2023: the Impact Accelerator Program (IAP) and the Talent Directory (TD). Designed to channel skilled professionals toward high-impact roles, these programs tested our hypothesis that talent transitions could yield substantial, lasting impact.

The results have been exciting. In 2023, our pilot round of the IAP helped facilitate 5 career transitions, and we saw the potential to scale. This year, we expanded significantly - starting with around 20 people in IAP 1 and growing 6.5x to reach approximately 130 participants in 2024, including the 50 current IAP 4 participants whose career transitions will contribute to our impact for the year. Each round has built upon the last, with constant improvements aimed at supporting professionals in impactful career transitions. One of those improvements is the addition of the Pledge Partnership, which we started in July 2024.

Our TD has also shown promising growth. So far, we know of 12 confirmed hires through the TD, though we expect the actual number may be higher as not all participants report back. We anticipate that as awareness of the TD grows, so too will the number of successful placements, with potential for even greater impact as more organizations and professionals become engaged.

Our vision for 2025 is to continue scaling the IAP and TD, reaching more professionals, inspiring more transitions, and expanding our pledge community.