Notes on cultivating good incentives

By rime @ 2023-07-07T20:07 (+4)

Which behaviours would I be praised for if the praiser was kinder & smarter than me, and had access to all the same internal & external information?

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    > "An independent impression is a belief formed through a process that excludes epistemic deference to the beliefs of others. Independent impressions may be contrasted with all-things-considered beliefs, which are beliefs that do allow for such deference."

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    > "The third-person effect hypothesis predicts that people tend to perceive that mass media messages have a greater effect on others than on themselves, based on personal biases."

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    > "Information cascades develop consistently in a laboratory situation in which other incentives to go along with the crowd are minimized. Some decision sequences result in (...) initial misrepresentative signals start a chain of incorrect [but individually rational] decisions that is not broken by more representative signals received later."
    -- Information Cascades in the Laboratory

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    > "Somebody who comes up with one good original idea (plus ninety-nine really stupid cringeworthy takes) is a better use of your reading time than somebody who reliably never gets anything too wrong, but never says anything you find new or surprising. Alyssa Vance calls this positive selection – a single good call rules you in – as opposed to negative selection, where a single bad call rules you out."