AI safety technical research - Career review

By Benjamin Hilton, 80000_Hours @ 2023-07-17T15:34 (+50)

Note: this post is a (minorly) edited version of a new 80,000 Hours career review.

Progress in AI — while it could be hugely beneficial — comes with significant risks. Risks that we’ve argued could be existential.

But these risks can be tackled.

With further progress in AI safety, we have an opportunity to develop AI for good: systems that are safe, ethical, and beneficial for everyone.

This article explains how you can help.


Artificial intelligence will have transformative effects on society over the coming decades, and could bring huge benefits — but we also think there’s a substantial risk. One promising way to reduce the chances of an AI-related catastrophe is to find technical solutions that could allow us to prevent AI systems from carrying out dangerous behaviour.



Key facts on fit

You’ll need a quantitative background and should probably enjoy programming. If you’ve never tried programming, you may be a good fit if you can break problems down into logical parts, generate and test hypotheses, possess a willingness to try out many different solutions, and have high attention to detail.

If you already:


If you are well suited to this career, it may be the best way for you to have a social impact.

Thanks to Adam Gleave, Jacob Hilton and Rohin Shah for reviewing this article. And thanks to Charlie Rogers-Smith for his help, and his article on the topic — How to pursue a career in technical AI alignment.

Why AI safety technical research is high impact

As we’ve argued, in the next few decades, we might see the development of hugely powerful machine learning systems with the potential to transform society. This transformation could bring huge benefits — but only if we avoid the risks.

We think that the worst-case risks from AI systems arise in large part because AI systems could be misaligned — that is, they will aim to do things that we don’t want them to do. In particular, we think they could be misaligned in such a way that they develop (and execute) plans that pose risks to humanity’s ability to influence the world, even when we don’t want that influence to be lost.

We think this means that these future systems pose an existential threat to civilisation.

Even if we find a way to avoid this power-seeking behaviour, there are still substantial risks — such as misuse by governments or other actors — which could be existential threats in themselves.

There are many ways in which we could go about reducing the risks that these systems might pose. But one of the most promising may be researching technical solutions that prevent unwanted behaviour — including misaligned behaviour — from AI systems. (Finding a technical way to prevent misalignment in particular is known as the alignment problem.)

In the past few years, we’ve seen more organisations start to take these risks more seriously. Many of the leading industry labs developing AI — including Google DeepMind and OpenAI — have teams dedicated to finding these solutions, alongside academic research groups including at MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Carnegie Mellon University, and UC Berkeley.

That said, the field is still very new. We think there are only around 300 people working on technical approaches to reducing existential risks from AI systems,[1] which makes this a highly neglected field.

Finding technical ways to reduce this risk could be quite challenging. Any practically helpful solution must retain the usefulness of the systems (remaining economically competitive with less safe systems), and continue to work as systems improve over time (that is, it needs to be ‘scalable’). As we argued in our problem profile, it seems like it might be difficult to find viable solutions, particularly for modern ML (machine learning) systems.

(If you don’t know anything about ML, we’ve written a very very short introduction to ML, and we’ll go into more detail on how to learn about ML later in this article. Alternatively, if you do have ML experience, talk to our team — they can give you personalised career advice, make introductions to others working on these issues, and possibly even help you find jobs or funding opportunities.)

Although it seems hard, there are lots of avenues for more research — and the field really is very young, so there are new promising research directions cropping up all the time. So we think it’s moderately tractable, though we’re highly uncertain.

In fact, we’re uncertain about all of this and have written extensively about reasons we might be wrong about AI risk.

But, overall, we think that — if it’s a good fit for you — going into AI safety technical research may just be the highest-impact thing you can do with your career.

What does this path involve?

AI safety technical research generally involves working as a scientist or engineer at major AI labs, in academia, or in independent nonprofits.

These roles can be very hard to get. You’ll likely need to build up career capital before you end up in a high-impact role (more on this later, in the section on how to enter). That said, you may not need to spend a long time building this career capital — we’ve seen exceptionally talented people move into AI safety from other quantitative fields, sometimes in less than a year.

Most AI safety technical research falls on a spectrum between empirical research (experimenting with current systems as a way of learning more about what will work), and theoretical research (conceptual and mathematical research looking at ways of ensuring that future AI systems are safe).

No matter where on this spectrum you end up working, your career path might look a bit different depending on whether you want to aim at becoming a research lead — proposing projects, managing a team and setting direction — or a contributor — focusing on carrying out the research.

Finally, there are two slightly different roles you might aim for:

4 kinds of AI safety role: empirical lead, empirical contributor, theoretical lead and theoretical contributor

We think that research lead roles are probably higher-impact in general. But overall, the impact you could have in any of these roles is likely primarily determined by your personal fit for the role — see the section on how to predict your fit in advance.

Next, we’ll take a look at what working in each path might involve. Later, we’ll go into how you might enter each path.

What does work in the empirical AI safety path involve?

Empirical AI safety tends to involve teams working directly with ML models to identify any risks and develop ways in which they might be mitigated.

That means the work is focused on current ML techniques and techniques that might be applied in the very near future.

Practically, working on empirical AI safety involves lots of programming and ML engineering. You might, for example, come up with ways you could test the safety of existing systems, and then carry out these empirical tests.

You can find roles in empirical AI safety in industry and academia, as well as some in AI safety-focused nonprofits.

Particularly in academia, lots of relevant work isn’t explicitly labelled as being focused on existential risk — but it can still be highly valuable. For example, work in interpretability, adversarial examples, diagnostics and backdoor learning, among other areas, could be highly relevant to reducing the chance of an AI-related catastrophe.

We’re also excited by experimental work to develop safety standards that AI companies might adhere to in the future — for example, the work being carried out by ARC Evals.

To learn more about the sorts of research taking place at labs focused on empirical AI safety, take a look at:

While programming is central to all empirical work, generally, research lead roles will be less focused on programming; instead, they need stronger research taste and theoretical understanding. In comparison, research contributors need to be very good at programming and software engineering.

What does work in the theoretical AI safety path involve?

Theoretical AI safety is much more heavily conceptual and mathematical. Often it involves careful reasoning about the hypothetical behaviour of future systems.

Generally, the aim is to come up with properties that it would be useful for safe ML algorithms to have. Once you have some useful properties, you can try to develop algorithms with these properties (bearing in mind that to be practically useful these algorithms will have to end up being adopted by industry). Alternatively, you could develop ways of checking whether systems have these properties. These checks could, for example, help hold future AI products to high safety standards.

Many people working in theoretical AI safety will spend much of their time proving theorems or developing new mathematical frameworks. More conceptual approaches also exist, although they still tend to make heavy use of formal frameworks.

Some examples of research in theoretical AI safety include:

There are generally fewer roles available in theoretical AI safety work, especially as research contributors. Theoretical research contributor roles exist at nonprofits (primarily the Alignment Research Center), as well as at some labs (for example, Anthropic’s work on conditioning predictive models and the Causal Incentives Working Group at Google DeepMind). Most contributor roles in theoretical AI safety probably exist in academia (for example, PhD students in teams working on projects relevant to theoretical AI safety).

Some exciting approaches to AI safety

There are lots of technical approaches to AI safety currently being pursued. Here are just a few of them:

It’s worth noting that there are many approaches to AI safety, and people in the field strongly disagree on what will or won’t work.

This means that, once you’re working in the field, it can be worth being charitable and careful not to assume that others’ work is unhelpful just because it seemed so on a quick skim. You should probably be uncertain about your own research agenda as well.

What’s more, as we mentioned earlier, lots of relevant work across all these areas isn’t explicitly labelled ‘safety.’

So it’s important to think carefully about how or whether any particular research helps reduce the risks that AI systems might pose.

What are the downsides of this career path?

AI safety technical research is not the only way to make progress on reducing the risks that future AI systems might pose. Also, there are many other pressing problems in the world that aren’t the possibility of an AI-related catastrophe, and lots of careers that can help with them. If you’d be a better fit working on something else, you should probably do that.

Beyond personal fit, there are a few other downsides to the career path:

Finally, we’ve written more about the best arguments against AI being pressing in our problem profile on preventing an AI-related catastrophe. If those are right, maybe you could have more impact working on a different issue.

How much do AI safety technical researchers earn?

Many technical researchers work at companies or small startups that pay wages competitive with the Bay Area and Silicon Valley tech industry, and even smaller organisations and nonprofits will pay competitive wages to attract top talent. The median compensation for a software engineer in the San Francisco Bay area was $222,000 per year in 2020.[3] (Read more about software engineering salaries).

This $222,000 median may be an underestimate, as AI roles, especially in top AI labs that are rapidly scaling up their work in AI, often pay better than other tech jobs, and the same applies to safety researchers — even those in nonprofits.

However, academia has lower salaries than industry in general, and we’d guess that AI safety research roles in academia pay less than commercial labs and nonprofits.

How to predict your fit in advance

You’ll generally need a quantitative background (although not necessarily a background in computer science or machine learning) to enter this career path.

There are two main approaches you can take to predict your fit, and it’s helpful to do both:

It can take some time to build expertise, and enjoyment can follow expertise — so be prepared to take some time to learn and practice before you decide to switch to something else entirely.

If you’re not sure what roles you might aim for longer term, here are a few rough ways you could make a guess about what to aim for, and whether you might be a good fit for various roles on this path:

Read our article on personal fit to learn more about how to assess your fit for the career paths you want to pursue.

How to enter

You might be able to apply for roles right away — especially if you meet, or are near meeting, the tests we just looked at — but it also might take you some time, possibly several years, to skill up first.

So, in this section, we’ll give you a guide to entering technical AI safety research. We’ll go through four key questions:

  1. How to learn the basics
  2. Whether you should do a PhD
  3. How to get a job in empirical research
  4. How to get a job in theoretical research

Hopefully, by the end of the section, you’ll have everything you need to get going.

Learning the basics

To get anywhere in the world of AI safety technical research, you’ll likely need a background knowledge of coding, maths, and deep learning.

You might also want to practice enough to become a decent ML engineer (although this is generally more useful for empirical research), and learn a bit about safety techniques in particular (although this is generally more useful for empirical research leads and theoretical researchers).

We’ll go through each of these in turn.

Learning to program

You’ll probably want to learn to code in python, because it’s the most widely used language in ML engineering.

The first step is probably just trying it out. As a complete beginner, you can write a Python program in less than 20 minutes that reminds you to take a break every two hours. Don’t be discouraged if your code doesn’t work the first time — that’s what normally happens when people code!

Once you’ve done that, you have a few options:

You can read more about learning to program — and how to get your first job in software engineering (if that’s the route you want to take) — in our career review on software engineering.

Learning the maths

The maths of deep learning relies heavily on calculus and linear algebra, and statistics can be useful too — although generally learning the maths is much less important than programming and basic, practical ML.

We’d generally recommend studying a quantitative degree (like maths, computer science or engineering), most of which will cover all three areas pretty well.

If you want to actually get good at maths, you have to be solving problems. So, generally, the most useful thing that textbooks and online courses provide isn’t their explanations — it’s a set of exercises to try to solve, in order, with some help if you get stuck.

If you want to self-study (especially if you don’t have a quantitative degree) here are some possible resources:

You might be able to find resources that cover all these areas, like Imperial College’s Mathematics for Machine Learning.

Learning basic machine learning

You’ll likely need to have a decent understanding of how AI systems are currently being developed. This will involve learning about machine learning and neural networks, before diving into any specific subfields of deep learning.

Again, there’s the option of covering this at university. If you’re currently at college, it’s worth checking if you can take an ML course even if you’re not majoring in computer science.

There’s one important caveat here: you’ll learn a huge amount on the job, and the amount you’ll need to know in advance for any role or course will vary hugely! Not even top academics know everything about their fields. It’s worth trying to find out how much you’ll need to know for the role you want to do before you invest hundreds of hours into learning about ML.

With that caveat in mind, here are some suggestions of places you might start if you want to self-study the basics:

PyTorch is a very common package used for implementing neural networks, and probably worth learning! When I was first learning about ML, my first neural network was a 3-layer convolutional neural network with L2 regularisation classifying characters from the MNIST database. This is a pretty common first challenge, and a good way to learn PyTorch.

Learning about AI safety

If you’re going to work as an AI safety researcher, it usually helps to know about AI safety.

This isn’t always true — some engineering roles won’t require much knowledge of AI safety. But even then, knowing the basics will probably help land you a position, and can also help with things like making difficult judgement calls and avoiding doing harm. And if you want to be able to identify and do useful work, you’ll need to learn about the field eventually.

Because the field is still so new, there probably aren’t (yet) university courses you can take. So you’ll need to do some self-study. Here are some places you might start:

For more suggestions — especially when it comes to reading about the nature of the risks we might face from AI systems — take a look at the top resources to learn more from our problem profile.

Should you do a PhD?

Some technical research roles will require a PhD — but many won’t, and PhDs aren’t the best option for everyone.

The main benefit of doing a PhD is probably practising setting and carrying out your own research agenda. As a result, getting a PhD is practically the default if you want to be a research lead.

That said, you can also become a research lead without a PhD — in particular, by transitioning from a role as a research contributor. At some large labs, the boundary between being a contributor and a lead is increasingly blurry.

Many people find PhDs very difficult. They can be isolating and frustrating, and take a very long time (4–6 years). What’s more, both your quality of life and the amount you’ll learn will depend on your supervisor — and it can be really difficult to figure out in advance whether you’re making a good choice.

So, if you’re considering doing a PhD, here are some things to consider:

Read more in our more detailed (but less up-to-date) review of machine learning PhDs.

It’s worth remembering that most jobs don’t need a PhD. And for some jobs, especially empirical research contributor roles, even if a PhD would be helpful, there are often better ways of getting the career capital you’d need (for example, working as a software or ML engineer). We’ve interviewed two ML engineers who have had hugely successful careers without doing a PhD.

Whether you should do a PhD doesn’t depend (much) on timelines

We think it’s plausible that we will develop AI that could be hugely transformative for society by the end of the 2030s.

All else equal, that possibility could argue for trying to have an impact right away, rather than spending five (or more) years doing a PhD.

Ultimately, though, how well you, in particular, are suited to a particular PhD is probably a much more important factor than when AI will be developed.

That is to say, we think the increase in impact caused by choosing a path that’s a good fit for you is probably larger than any decrease in impact caused by delaying your work. This is in part because the spread in impact caused by the specific roles available to you, as well as your personal fit for them, is usually very large. Some roles (especially research lead roles) will just require having a PhD, and others (especially more engineering-heavy roles) won’t — and people’s fit for these paths varies quite a bit.

We’re also highly uncertain about estimates about when we might develop transformative AI. This uncertainty reduces the expected cost of any delay.

Most importantly, we think PhDs shouldn’t be thought of as a pure delay to your impact. You can do useful work in a PhD, and generally, the first couple of years in any career path will involve a lot of learning the basics and getting up to speed. So if you have a good mentor, work environment, and choice of topic, your PhD work could be as good as, or possibly better than, the work you’d do if you went to work elsewhere early in your career. And if you suddenly receive evidence that we have less time than you thought, it’s relatively easy to drop out.

There are lots of other considerations here — for a rough overview, and some discussion, see this post by 80,000 Hours advisor Alex Lawsen, as well as the comments.

Overall, we’d suggest that instead of worrying about a delay to your impact, think instead about which longer-term path you want to pursue, and how the specific opportunities in front of you will get you there.

How to get into a PhD

ML PhDs can be very competitive. To get in, you’ll probably need a few publications (as we said above, something like a first author workshop paper, as well as a third author conference paper at a major ML conference (like NeurIPS or ICML), and references, probably from ML academics. (Although publications also look good whatever path you end up going down!)

To end up at that stage, you’ll need a fair bit of luck, and you’ll also need to find ways to get some research experience.

One option is to do a master’s degree in ML, although make sure it’s a research masters — most ML master’s degrees primarily focus on preparation for industry.

Even better, try getting an internship in an ML research group. Opportunities include RISS at Carnegie Mellon University, UROP at Imperial College London, the Aalto Science Institute international summer research programme, the Data Science Summer Institute, the Toyota Technological Institute intern programme and MILA. You can also try doing an internship specifically in AI safety, for example at CHAI, although there are disadvantages to this approach: it may be harder to publish, and mentorship might be more limited.

Another way of getting research experience is by asking whether you can work with researchers. If you’re already at a top university, it can be easiest to reach out to people working at the university you’re studying at.

PhD students or post-docs can be more responsive than professors, but eventually, you’ll want a few professors you’ve worked with to provide references, so you’ll need to get in touch. Professors tend to get lots of cold emails, so try to get their attention! You can try:

Ideally, you’ll find someone who supervises you well and has time to work with you (that doesn’t necessarily mean the most famous professor — although it helps a lot if they’re regularly publishing at top conferences). That way, they’ll get to know you, you can impress them, and they’ll provide an amazing reference when you apply for PhDs.

It’s very possible that, to get the publications and references you’ll need to get into a PhD, you’ll need to spend a year or two working as a research assistant, although these positions can also be quite competitive.

This guide by Adam Gleave also goes into more detail on how to get a PhD, including where to apply and tips on the application process itself. We discuss ML PhDs in more detail in our career review on ML PhDs (though it’s outdated compared to this career review).

Getting a job in empirical AI safety research

Ultimately, the best way of learning to do empirical research — especially in contributor and engineering-focused roles — is to work somewhere that does both high-quality engineering and cutting-edge research.

The top three labs are probably Google DeepMind (who offer internships to students), OpenAI (who have a 6-month residency programme) and Anthropic. (Working at a leading AI lab carries with it some risk of doing harm, so it’s important to think carefully about your options. We’ve written a separate article going through the major relevant considerations.)

To end up working in an empirical research role, you’ll probably need to build some career capital.

Whether you want to be a research lead or a contributor, it’s going to help to become a really good software engineer. The best ways of doing this usually involve getting a job as a software engineer at a big tech company or at a promising startup. (We’ve written an entire article about becoming a software engineer.)

Many roles will require you to be a good ML engineer, which means going further than just the basics we looked at above. The best way to become a good ML engineer is to get a job doing ML engineering — and the best places for that are probably leading AI labs.

For roles as a research lead, you’ll need relatively more research experience. You’ll either want to become a research contributor first, or enter through academia (for example by doing a PhD).

All that said, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to know everything to start applying, as you’ll inevitably learn loads on the job — so do try to find out what you’ll need to learn to land the specific roles you’re considering.

How much experience do you need to get a job? It’s worth reiterating the tests we looked at above for contributor roles:

In the process of getting this experience, you might end up working in roles that advance AI capabilities. There are a variety of views on whether this might be harmful — so we’d suggest reading our article about working at leading AI labs and our article containing anonymous advice from experts about working in roles that advance capabilities. It’s also worth talking to our team about any specific opportunities you have.

If you’re doing another job, or a degree, or think you need to learn some more before trying to change careers, there are a few good ways of getting more experience doing ML engineering that go beyond the basics we’ve already covered:

Getting a job in theoretical AI safety research

There are fewer jobs available in theoretical AI safety research, so it’s harder to give concrete advice. Having a maths or theoretical computer science PhD isn’t always necessary, but is fairly common among researchers in industry, and is pretty much required to be an academic.

If you do a PhD, ideally it’d be in an area at least somewhat related to theoretical AI safety research. For example, it could be in probability theory as applied to AI, or in theoretical CS (look for researchers who publish in COLT or FOCS).

Alternatively, one path is to become an empirical research lead before moving into theoretical research.

Compared to empirical research, you’ll need to know relatively less about engineering, and relatively more about AI safety as a field.

Once you’ve done the basics, one possible next step you could try is reading papers from a particular researcher, or on a particular topic, and summarising what you’ve found.

You could also try spending some time (maybe 10–100 hours) reading about a topic and then some more time (maybe another 10–100 hours) trying to come up with some new ideas on that topic. For example, you could try coming up with proposals to solve the problem of eliciting latent knowledge. Alternatively, if you wanted to focus on the more mathematical side, you could try having a go at the assignment at the end of this lecture by Michael Cohen, a grad student at the University of Oxford.

If you want to enter academia, reading a ton of papers seems particularly important. Maybe try writing a survey paper on a certain topic in your spare time. It’s a great way to master a topic, spark new ideas, spot gaps, and come up with research ideas. When applying to grad school or jobs, your paper is a fantastic way to show you love research so much you do it for fun.

There are some research programmes aimed at people new to the field, such as the SERI ML Alignment Theory Scholars Program, to which you could apply.

Other ways to get more concrete experience include doing research internships, working as a research assistant, or doing a PhD, all of which we’ve written about above, in the section on whether and how you can get into a PhD programme.

One note is that a lot of people we talk to try to learn independently. This can be a great idea for some people, but is fairly tough for many, because there’s substantially less structure and mentorship.

Recommended organisations

AI labs in industry that have empirical technical safety teams, or are focused entirely on safety:

Theoretical / conceptual AI safety labs:

AI safety in academia (a very non-comprehensive list; while the number of academics explicitly and publicly focused on AI safety is small, it’s possible to do relevant work at a much wider set of places):

Learn more about AI safety technical research

Here are some suggestions about where you could learn more:

If you prefer podcasts, there are some relevant episodes of the 80,000 Hours podcast you might find helpful:

Notes and references

  1. ^

    Estimating this number is very difficult. Ideally we want to estimate the number of FTE (“full-time equivalent“) working on the problem of reducing existential risks from AI using technical methods. After making a number of assumptions, I estimated that there were 76 to 536 FTE working on technical AI safety (90% confidence). To learn more, read the section on neglectedness in our problem profile on AI, alongside footnote 3.

  2. ^

     Holden Karnofsky is the co-founder of Open Philanthropy, 80000 Hours’ largest funder.

  3. ^

    Data from (visited Jan 27, 2022).

  4. ^

    Jacob is my brother.