Narration: Reducing long-term risks from malevolent actors
By D0TheMath @ 2021-07-15T16:26 (+23)
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Original post by David Althaus & Tobias Baumann
Podcast description
Read by: Wuschel
Edited by: Garrett Baker
Dictators who exhibited highly narcissistic, psychopathic, or sadistic traits were involved in some of the greatest catastrophes in human history.
Malevolent individuals in positions of power could negatively affect humanity’s long-term trajectory by, for example, exacerbating international conflict or other broad risk factors.
Malevolent humans with access to advanced technology—such as whole brain emulation or other forms of transformative AI—could cause serious existential risks and suffering risks.
We therefore consider interventions to reduce the expected influence of malevolent humans on the long-term future.
The development of manipulation-proof measures of malevolence seems valuable, since they could be used to screen for malevolent humans in high-impact settings, such as heads of government or CEOs.
We also explore possible future technologies that may offer unprecedented leverage to mitigate against malevolent traits.
Selecting against psychopathic and sadistic tendencies in genetically enhanced, highly intelligent humans might be particularly important. However, risks of risks of unintended negative consequences must be handled with extreme caution.
We argue that further work on reducing malevolence would be valuable from many moral perspectives and constitutes a promising focus area for longtermist EAs.
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