Two AI Safety events at EA Hotel in August

By Linda Linsefors @ 2019-05-21T18:57 (+24)

We are organising two AI Safety events at EA Hotel in August this year. The first one is a beginner friendly AI Safety workshop open to everyone. The second is an uncoference which is open to people with some prior experience in the field.

Learning-by-doing AI Safety workshop

Start: Friday, August 16, 10am
End: Monday, August 19, 7pm
Location: EA Hotel, 36 York Street, Blackpool

The main activity during the workshop will be trying to solve AI Safety. Maybe we will discover something useful, maybe not. This is an experimental workshop so I don’t know what the outcome will be. But you will for sure learn things about the AI Safety along the way.

This event is beginner friendly. You don’t need to know anything about AI Safety. You will need some understanding of Machine Learning, but we’ll teach you that too if you want.

On Friday August 16, I will teach a very basic overview of Machine Learning. At the end of the day you will hopefully have a decent understanding of what ML can do and how and why it works. This day is optional. If you already know some ML, or promise to teach yourself before the event, you can skip this day.

Preliminary Schedule
Friday (optional): Machine Learning Speed Learning
Saturday: We try to solve AI Safety + Lectures on AI Safety
Sunday: Lectures / Discussions / Guided self study / Free time
Monday: We try to solve AI Safety again + Write down good ideas

The AI Safety lectures will be me and Davide Zagami sharing our knowledge. I have studied ML and AI Safety independently for about two years and I have interned at MIRI. Davide has studied AI Safety independently for about one year and he is currently working for RAISE. There are still lots of things we don’t know. If you are looking for something more advanced, I recommend that you apply for Human-aligned AI Summer School in Prague.

You are welcome to stay longer at EA Hotel before or after the workshop. However, be aware that the Technical AI Safety Unconference (see below), is happening the following week. If you want to participate in the unconference you should apply for that separately.

If you are staying more than a few days extra, we ask you to book your stay though the EA Hotel booking system.

Price: This workshop is sponsored by MIRI and will therefore be free :)
Food and Lodging: Food and lodging is included. All food will be vegan.

If you want to join: Sign up here

TAISU - Technical AI Safety Unconference

Start: Thursday, August 22, 10am
End: Sunday, August 25, 7pm
Location: EA Hotel, 36 York Street, Blackpool

It is an unconference, which means that it will be what we make of it. There will be an empty schedule wich you, the participants, will fill up with talks, discussions and more.

To be able to have high level discussion during the unconference, we require that all participants have some prior involvement with AI Safety. Here is a non complete list of things that are sufficient:

You can participate in the unconference as many or as few days as you want to. You are also welcome to stay longer at at EA Hotel before or after the unconference. However, be aware that the Learning-by-doing AI Safety workshop (see above) is the weekend before. If you want to join this workshop, you should apply for this separately.

If you are staying more than a few days extra, we ask you to book your stay though the EA Hotel booking system.

Price: Pay what you want (cost price is £10/person/day).
Food: All meals will be provided by EA Hotel. All food will be vegan.
Lodging: The EA Hotel has two dorm rooms that have been reserved for TAISU participants, and more rooms will be booked at nearby hotels if necessary. However, if you want a private room you might be asked to pay for it yourself.

If you want to join: Sign up here

Tetraspace Grouping @ 2019-05-21T20:12 (+9)

The signup form for the Learning-by-doing AI Safety workshop currently links to the edit page for the form on google docs, rather than the page where one actually fills out the form; the link should be this one (and the form should probably not be publicly editable).

beth​ @ 2019-05-21T22:39 (+7)

Same for the unconference, should be this link.

Linda Linsefors @ 2019-05-22T11:37 (+4)

Thanks for pointing this out :)

Should be fixed now

Linda Linsefors @ 2019-07-05T15:33 (+1)

There is still room for more participants at TAISU, but sleeping space is starting to fill up. The EA Hotel dorm rooms are almost fully booked. Fore those who don't fit in the dorm or want some more privet space, there are lots of near by hotel. However since TAISU happens to be on a UK bank holiday, these might fill up too.

Linda Linsefors @ 2019-06-13T13:24 (+1)

The Learning-by-doing AI Safety workshop is now full, but due to the enthusiasm I have received I am going to organize a second Learning-by-doing AI Safety workshop some time in October/November this year. If you want to influence when it will be you can fill in our doodle:

I am leaving the application form open. You can fill it in to show interest in the second Learning-by-doing AI Safety workshop and future similar events.