Should effective altruism have a norm against donating to employers?

By Owen Cotton-Barratt @ 2016-11-29T21:56 (+22)

A number of people who work at effective altruist organisations also donate to their employer. We’ve had some interesting conversations recently at CEA on whether this is a good thing. We haven’t reached a consensus, but we thought the ideas were worth sharing. This is a somewhat niche topic, and is mostly relevant for people doing direct work at such organisations.


The strongest reason to have a community norm against doing this is that it’s easier to be unbiased in assessing other organisations.


The strongest reason not to have such a community norm is that it pushes against the norm of just doing what’s most effective.


We should note that this isn’t a binary distinction. We want to know where we should be on a spectrum:

  1. It should be illegal to donate to one’s employer
  2. EA orgs should not accept donations from employees
  3. There should be a strong norm in EA of not giving to employers
  4. There should be a weak norm in EA of not giving to employers (for example, not unless you’ve really done your homework, or not except for orgs without a track record, or not giving more than 50% of donations to employers)
  5. There should be no norm in EA regarding this
  6. There should be a positive norm in EA of giving to employers
  7. EAs should be strongly encouraged or required to give to their employers

I don’t think anyone (involved in the discussion so far) supports a. or g., and perhaps not b. or f.


There are some further considerations in each direction.

Additional reasons to support stronger norms against donating to employers:


Additional reasons to oppose such norms:

Thanks to Max Dalton, Sam Deere, Will MacAskill, Michael Page, Stefan Shubert, Carl Shulman, Pablo Stafforini, Rob Wiblin, and Julia Wise for comments and contributions to the conversation.

Opinion: Owen Cotton-Barratt

I actually used to donate to my employer, but I now think that the appropriate level is around c. on the spectrum. Probably we should allow or even encourage donation to an employer when the org is very small / just getting started, as the comparative advantage as a donor assessing the org is likely to be very large in this case. But I'd prefer to discourage donating to employers as those employers get bigger. I don’t know whether it would make sense for employers to explicitly refuse donations from employees, and I wouldn’t implement such a rule now, but I could see myself supporting one in the future.

I worry that normalising donation to employers is taking a short-sighted consequentialist view (“Where will my donation do most good?”), rather than asking which norms will lead to the best version of EA.

Opinion: Robert Wiblin

I have donated to my employer in the past and intend to continue, inasmuch as I think it’s among the best places for the money to go. The reason to give there is the same as the reason to work there in the first place - I think the intervention we are implementing is highly effective.

The amount of money employees at EA organisations can give is fairly small, so I think it’s reasonable to just choose a simple option. Forgoing salary is easy and highly tax efficient.

If you share the values of the people donating to your organisation, giving to your employer also ‘funges’ well; by shrinking the funding requirements of your org, you free up donors who would fund you to fund something else they judge to be effective. By doing this you leave it up to bigger donors to determine where the final marginal dollar goes.

undefined @ 2016-12-01T17:32 (+13)

[ETA: I somewhat regret eliding the issue with donations to other issues re. interpersonal relationships. I take the opportunity to stress it wasn't written with a particular individual/s 'in mind'.]

I broadly agree with Owen. Beyond the considerations already mentioned, I prefer increasing professionalisation of those working in (at least the larger) EA orgs, and norms against salary sacrifice etc. I think would help this desirable direction of travel.

In most corporations (and most charities), including very high performing ones (e.g. Google, Deepmind, GiveDirectly, etc.) situations where employees are sacrificing considerable fractions of their salary, living in long term shared housing with their colleagues, or can name multiple fellow employees among their past or current sexual partners are rare. These arrangements are less surprising for smaller groups (e.g. the model of the start-up in the garage), but much more so when you have formal structures, a board, and turnover in the 6-7 figures.

I don't claim expertise here, but I'd suspect there's a reason for the ubiquity of 'corporate' structures, oft-maligned as they are, and I'd venture it has something to do with ensuring clarity and accuracy of decision making. It is better that, insofar as possible, corporate decisions are not interleaved with pecuniary, interpersonal, or bedroom issues. Similarly, norms that retard development of conflicts of interest like these are preferable to relying on staff to navigate them appropriately.

The failure modes are manifold. The hypothetical challenges around firing someone who is, in addition to one's subordinate, a housemate, ex, and current partner of another staff member need not be explicated. Although I do not want to regurgitate the unhappy episode around Intentional Insights, there were records of virtual assistants offering to 'donate' money to Intentional Insights, the net result of which was to reduce what InIn owed them and had been late paying. I doubt any EA org has or will do anything similar, but it illustrates the risks of a parallel financial transaction alongside salary which could be used to bypass proper process (some possibilities: maybe I'm worried you might fire me for poor performance, so I increase my salary sacrifice by way of cutting my price; I fail to negotiate a raise I think I deserve from you, so I simply reduce my salary sacrifice/donation by the requisite amount (which annoys you); I don't really take your standards re. dress, punctuality etc. seriously as although I am in principle getting paid £X, de facto you're paying me barely minimum wage etc. etc.)

I'd generally prefer EA staff get paid close to market, and there's a norm discouraging donations to ones employer.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T15:49 (+10)

I've often found it strange that GiveWell staff do their meta-donations primarily to GiveWell and CEA staff do theirs primarily to CEA. I'm guessing in many cases the deciding factor about who works where is whether it's more convenient to live in the Bay or in Oxford, rather than any serious ideological difference.

I'd feel better if cross-organizational giving were more common (hopefully not just in a "scratch my back I'll scratch yours" way).

undefined @ 2016-12-01T01:32 (+2)

What's a meta-donation? Is that a donation to a metacharity, or something else?

undefined @ 2016-12-01T14:46 (+2)

"donation to a metacharity" is how I interpreted it

CarlShulman @ 2016-12-01T20:54 (+1)

Is that a donation to a metacharity,


undefined @ 2016-12-01T00:33 (+1)

While previously I had felt the strength of "Your choice of where to work and where to donate will be correlated", on reading

GiveWell staff do their meta-donations primarily to GiveWell and CEA staff do theirs primarily to CEA

my System 1 immediately jumped to "Well obviously they're being tribal". Insofar as I should(n't) generalise from one example, this did make me update that it has the potential to be a noticeable image problem in the future.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T17:45 (+6)

The claim that it's natural to donate to one's employer given one's prior decision to become an employee assumes that EAs—or at least those working for EA orgs—should spend all their altruistic resources (i.e. time and money) in the same way. But this assumption is clearly false: it can be perfectly reasonable for me to believe that I should spend my time working for some organization, and that I should spend my money supporting some other organization. Obviously, this will be the case if the organization I work for, but not the one I support, lacks room for more funding. But it can also be the case in many other situations, depending on the relative funding and talent constraints of both the organization I work for and the organizations I could financially support.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T18:18 (+4)

And the impact of one's skillset in different orgs/focus areas.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T22:39 (+3)

Sure, but your estimates of the effectiveness of sending money or your labour to a project are correlated, so it's no surprise if people are unusually likely to want to donate to the place they work.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T16:19 (+5)

The amount of money employees at EA organisations can give is fairly small

Agreed. Is there any evidence employee donation is a significant problem, or that it will become one in the near future? If not, and given there is no obvious solution, I suggest focusing on higher priorities (e.g. VIP outreach).

Thanks to Max Dalton, Sam Deere, Will MacAskill, Michael Page, Stefan Shubert, Carl Shulman, Pablo Stafforini, Rob Wiblin, and Julia Wise for comments and contributions to the conversation.

I think too many (brain power x hours) have been expended here.

Sorry to be a downer, just trying to help optimize.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T22:40 (+3)

"I think too many (brain power x hours) have been expended here."

I agree that more thought went into this than was really called for, including by me. Law of triviality in action.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T16:39 (+3)

Evaluated just on the near-term impacts I'd agree with you (even if total time was, I guess, around a day, which is not huge).

The reason this seems more important to me is that it's part of the community culture. Building a community with the right culture seems both:

  • easier to get done while everything is relatively small;
  • an important determinant of the long-term impact of effective altruism.
undefined @ 2016-11-30T01:40 (+2)

I agree with Owen. I don't have anything to add to what's been said, other than a response to the strongest reason against having that norm: It only conflicts with the norm of "do what's most effective" if it truly is more effective to donate to one's own employer. But because of the signaling/weirdness reasons (and, yes, the bias) that doesn't seem to be true. We're sophisticated enough that we can have a hierarchy of norms, with "do what's most effective" at the top and "don't donate to your employer unless there's a special circumstance" as a lower norm--as a helpful heuristic/guideline.

How much money is saved from taxes by foregoing salary? If it's at least 20% of the donation then I might change my mind.

undefined @ 2016-12-01T00:44 (+1)

+1 for the statement of what would change your mind.

undefined @ 2016-11-30T10:12 (+1)

How much money is saved from taxes by foregoing salary? If it's at least 20% of the donation then I might change my mind.

In the UK I think it's normally about 7% (assuming you'd get tax deductability / Gift Aid on another donation).

undefined @ 2016-11-30T12:41 (+6)

Does that include National Insurance? As you can't claim back NI from Gift Aid, but you never pay it if you forego salary, the saving looks like it would be 12% on employee NI and 13.8% on employer NI (if I'm interpreting the taxes properly).


undefined @ 2016-11-30T12:59 (+4)

Wow, thanks. It was supposed to represent National Insurance, but it was based on a remembered figure. I think I must have worked out an average rate and assumed it was marginal at some point; perhaps this was also just on employee contributions.

Anyhow, I think that makes it 22.5% lost to taxes (so +29% on your donation) if you're a basic rate taxpayer, and 13% lost (+15% on donation) if you're a higher rate taxpayer.

Adding another mark in the "Look factual information up even when you think you know the answer" ledger.

undefined @ 2016-12-05T12:13 (+2)

Were I working for an EA org this would be the decisive factor that would swing me, so it would be really good if we could work this out. Giving to another org adds Gift Aid to your donation. +20% Forgoing salary saves you and your employer National Insurance. +29%

So if you're basic rate, is giving to your employer better value?

undefined @ 2016-11-30T22:41 (+1)

"They push against norms of allowing personal freedom in how to allocate resources. EA tends to not want to dictate to people what they may or may not do."

I can confirm that someone trying to stop me giving wherever I thought the money would do the most good - whether my employer or elsewhere - would infuriate me.