GidiKadosh's Quick takes

By Gidi Kadosh @ 2020-10-16T10:57 (+3)

GidonKadosh @ 2020-10-16T10:57 (+11)

I've seen very few discussions on "multiplayer perspective" in the community (besides value of coordination on 80k's website, and the forum post How can we best coordinate as a community?, both written by Benjamin Todd), and I fear that we might be neglecting impactful opportunities.

I wonder whether actively encouraging people to take a multiplayer perspective, particularly in donations, can account for additional impact that we're missing out on when we talk so often about the marginal impact an individual has. For instance, I wonder if donation advice should significantly change when given to a single person, compared to when it's given to people who are willing to group together and donate a large amount of money. What do you think?