Discussion: Media Moral Misdirection

By Siya Sawhney @ 2024-06-22T10:39 (+7)

This is a linkpost to https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/SmwFg2GMCedvcwxEw/moral-misdirection-full-post#_2__Media_Misdirection___But_Her_Emails__

Note: This linkpost aims to spark discussion along the lines of moral misdirection, and present a few of my quick takes on Media Moral Misdirection referred to in the original post. I do not know sufficient about the topic so free to let me know if there is anything important that I missed or misrepresented, or share your own views on the topic. 

Recently, I read @Richard Y Chappell's post on Moral Misdirection and found it quite interesting. The main idea of moral misdirection, according to the post, is "Moral misdirection, as it interests me here, is a speech act that functionally operates to distract one’s audience from more important moral truths. It thus predictably reduces the importance-weighted accuracy of the audience’s moral beliefs". Essentially, moral misdirection to my understanding is redirecting an audience to less important truths rather than focusing on what might (objectively) matter more.

I hope to start some form of a follow-up discussion on the topic, so feel free to share your thoughts. To begin, here are some of my quick takes where I particularly focus on Media Moral Misdirection and the example that was brought up in the original post:

My Quick Takes on Media Moral Misdirection