EA global tips. What helped you get the most out of it?

By Nathan Young @ 2019-10-16T10:21 (+17)

What are poeple's top tips for doing EA global?

What are common errors people make?

Are there any ways people often misframe/misunderstand EA Globals such that they attend and get a "lot out of it" but that doesn't help them do more good?

Michelle_Hutchinson @ 2019-10-16T18:01 (+20)

This depends a bunch on your temperament, but I find general 'mingling' - going into a large room full of people and speaking to whoever I come across - really exhausting. I've gotten a lot out of looking through the people coming on the app beforehand, seeing who I'd particularly like to meet, and then setting up times/places to meet with them in advance. It makes the experience feel less rushed and more targeted to me.

Peter_Hurford @ 2019-10-16T15:39 (+17)

Most but not all talks are recorded and you can watch them later. "My current plan is to largely try and meet people" sounds like a good plan to me. The meetups can be an especially good venue for this.

KevinO @ 2019-10-16T19:23 (+3)

Link to the talks on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEfASxwPxzsHlG5Rf1-4K9w/playlists

Nathan Young @ 2021-09-28T17:22 (+2)

Plan people I'm likely to enjoy talking to.

I've found that finding people to meet is the highest impact activity. If I do it well I'll have lots of energy and enjoy the meetings.