Applications for the 2023 Tarbell Fellowship now open (one-year journalism programme)

By Cillian_, Training for Good @ 2022-09-02T15:12 (+81)



About the Tarbell Fellowship

The Tarbell Fellowship is a one-year programme for early-career journalists intent on improving the world.

The fellowship represents a unique opportunity to do great journalism, covering topics that could have a major impact on the lives of billions, such as global poverty and existential risks.

Fellows receive a stipend of up to $50,000 to support placements at major publications and independent freelance reporting. The programme incorporates expert speakers, feedback & mentorship from experienced journalists and a two-week journalism summit in Oxford. Upon graduation, we expect fellows to bring their impact-focused perspective to major newsrooms and publications around the globe.

The fellowship is designed to support those early in their journalism career, i.e. with 0-5 years of relevant experience. We also welcome applications from mid-career professionals hoping to transition to a career in journalism. 


If you are unsure whether you are a good fit, we encourage you to apply or to book a 15-minute call with us to discuss your situation.


See our website for more information.

This is a project of Training for Good, an impact-focused career organisation which was incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship in 2021. Training for Good runs fellowships that enable talented professionals to enter careers in policy and journalism such as the EU Tech Policy Fellowship and the Tarbell Fellowship.