Start an Upper-Room UV Installation Company?

By Jeff Kaufman @ 2024-10-19T23:43 (+38)

This is a crosspost, probably from LessWrong. Try viewing it there.

Ulrik Horn @ 2024-10-21T04:52 (+4)

Hi Jeff, I have been pondering a similar question: Why is there not more uptake of UV? I suspect it could be down to targeting the wrong initial, beachhead market. While this analogy will fail in many aspects, there was social media before Facebook. However, they did not try to start on elite college campuses, and thus make it "cool" to have social media. Similarly, I am not sure UV sufficiently targets a desperate market. It seems UV companies target cleanrooms, hospitals, etc. but these already have tried and tested methods, especially via air filtration, for achieving low contamination. There might be some cost savings from UV, but it is not clear cut - filters are extremely cheap as they last for years. And there is industry inertia connected with doing things differently. And cleanrooms, ORs and the like have a lot of regulation one quickly gets stuck in.

Coming at this from another and admittedly subjective angle, as a parent, and talking to others, I am intrigued by the possibility of using UV as well as other disease fighting tech in nurseries/pre-schools (I think you are a parent too). This user group is certifiably desperate to be less at home with sick kids (and also to not constantly feel tired and low-energy). I just wanted to put this out there as I would be keen to support anything in this direction as long as I have availability. It should not be too expensive to test out, and at least in certain jurisdictions there is little in the way of legislation stopping something like this. On the contrary, here in Sweden where the government pays parents staying at home with sick kids, there is a push to reduce sickness in this sector of the society.