Notes on the risks and benefits of kidney donation

By Derek Shiller @ 2021-11-26T15:02 (+39)

*edit: formatting changes for accessibility and added summary

Summary: The possible risks of kidney donation to the donor seem somewhat greater and the benefits to the recipient somewhat lesser than is generally conveyed in donation literature.

I considered donating a kidney two years ago. I went through the workup to get approval while simultaneously reading about it. Covid hit, and I put off a decision. I had some significant concerns which have prevented me from returning to the idea with enthusiasm. Since this is a decision others here have considered, I thought I'd share my takeaways here.

Donating a kidney is not a particularly effective compared with the other great opportunities available these days. Still, there may be good reasons to do it. It is helpful in a straightforward way; it isn't filtered through the administration of a charity or dependent on the speculative efficacy of an intervention. It is an option available to those who don't have good ways to use their time for other ends. It may serve as a lifelong reminder of one's commitment, perhaps solidifying one's identity as an altruist in a way that protects against value drift. Further, it is a signal of altruistic sincerity that most people will acknowledge. If you're into cause areas perceived as weird, like insect suffering or AI, making a transparently altruistic sacrifice might lead people to take your more eclectic interests more seriously.

These other considerations aside, the effectiveness of kidney donation turns on the value it provides the recipient and the cost to yourself. As far as I can tell (and I am no expert on these issues), the cost to yourself is not perfectly understood. The value to the recipient seems to be significant but not overwhelming in comparison to the risks. I suspect my comments come across as negative about donation. I think it is a net positive thing to do, but the risks and benefits should be acknowledged. Once I looked into it myself I felt misled by a lot of the pro-donation marketing.




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  1. “Paired Exchange Results Quarterly Report.”

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david_reinstein @ 2021-11-27T18:48 (+10)

Maybe worth considering: would there be a way to donate a kidney in exchange for the recipient making a large donation to an effective charity?

ElliotJDavies @ 2021-11-28T15:40 (+2)

I have started discussing with people the idea of having a "Sponsored" altruistic kidney donation. This would be much like a sponsored half-marathon or something, with money collected for AMF or another high impact charity. 

I brought the idea up at an event on fundraising we recently ran, in a room of 20+ people, 50/50 EA and non-EA, most seemed super sceptical about the idea. This could be down to how squeamish people are about the idea of kidney donations. 

I have also had people mention that this could present EA in a very extreme and unpalatable light, which is my main concern about actually doing this.

david_reinstein @ 2021-11-29T15:13 (+2)

Interesting idea, I really like it. Who were going to be the donors for this event?

I really thought that the kidney recipient and their family and friends should be the ones making the donations though. The idea is to get around a gap in the market; you can't "buy a kidney".


  1. I don't know how legal "donate in anticipation of a kidney' is either
  2. Maybe this would squick people's 'unfairness' concerns anyway? (E.g., '1%-ers can now buy a kidney indirectly, middle class Americans cannot') ... the fact that the 1% would also be helping many more people with their donation gets lost in that conversation
ElliotJDavies @ 2021-12-01T11:10 (+2)

Who were going to be the donors for this event?

I was mostly thinking friends and family, but I was hoping the novelty factor could spread it to local communities

I don't know how legal "donate in anticipation of a kidney' is either

Wow yeah I have  a feeling you'd get your name down in case-law either way. 

garymm @ 2023-10-28T18:46 (+4)

About a year and a half ago I seriously considered donating. I went through the screening and got approved to donate. During the screening process a doctor mentioned a study about post-operative pain, which I believe was this:

IIUC, the study reports that ~1/20 donors reported chronic pain (that they self-report is due to the operation) years after the operation, and that those that do report a significantly decreased quality of life. The study doesn't have any controls, so it's possible that this is mostly due to the donors being mistaken about the pain being caused by the surgery.

That study gave me enough pause that I so far have not gone through with the donation. Curious to hear your thoughts on it.

Derek Shiller @ 2023-11-18T17:31 (+1)

I don't have any special insight. I would be surprised if there were aspects of donation that made the surgery especially likely to result in post-operative pain, so I would imagine that the prevalence of post-operative pain in general would give you some clue about how reliable this study is. That said, given what I've read, if there were subtle ways in which it significantly reduced quality of life, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't well publicized. It seems to me a good sign that the doctor mentioned the possibility of post-operative pain to you.

ElaineVegan @ 2022-10-11T03:20 (+3)

I'm a recent kidney donor and I want to clear up a few things. 

1-Dialysis and transplant are not interchangeable.  Transplant before ever needing dialysis is shown to have great improvement vs transplant after dialysis. The kidney lasts longer, the recipient lives longer. Living donors enable pre-emptive transplants.

2- Donor chains facilitated by nondirected or advanced donors enable the most hard to match recipients to get a kidney. They don't just shorten wait time. This is especially true if the donor goes through National Kidney Registry (USA only) which specializes in kidney transplant efficiency.

3- Standards vary dramatically between transplant centers and there are no universal donor protections.  NKR is changing that, leading the world in donor protections with rigorous evaluation and surgery protocols, as well as protections like short term disability insurance and the like.

4- Kidney transplant without the need for longterm immune suppressants is not longer a pipe dream, it has happened successfully. I suspect it will the new standard in a decade. Currently the way this is done is that the donor donates both an organ and stem cells. This will reduce/eliminate the need for replacement organs, reduce longterm costs, and extend the lives of recipients. 

5- Doing an advanced donation (aka voucher) allows the donor to list 5 people, which in turn enables the first of whom needs a transplant (and is healthy enough to receive one) to essentially 'skip the line,' providing direct benefit to a donor's loved ones. This is an excellent option when a potential recipient is a child and the donor is a middle age or senior person. The child may not need a kidney for many years, by which time the adult may not be able to donate. It's like an estate plan for your organs.

6- The pandemic has dramatically shortened the lifespan of people on dialysis, particularly those who cannot do their dialysis at home. Mortality rates in dialysis centers are incredibly high and will remain high so long as Covid continues to spread. The benefits of living donation to recipients now are far greater than they were in 2019.

ElliotJDavies @ 2021-11-27T11:07 (+2)

Interesting. Thanks for posting, as someone who has tried to research this quickly, I agree it's hard to get an accurate picture of the benefits and risks. I think the "self-signalling" is an important incentive for me to donate, but only if it's actually an action of large utility. 

Regarding the benefits of donating, I think you have probably under-sold them here. My logic is (deferring judgment to medical professions) just the amount of effort and money that is spent on facilitating kidney donations, despite the existence of dialysis, indicates that experts think the cost/benefit ration is a good one. One reason I feel safe in this deference is because the field of medicine seems to have strong "loss aversion". I.e. Doctors seem strongly concerned about direct actions that cause harm, even if it is for the greater good. 

Derek Shiller @ 2021-11-27T12:53 (+3)

My logic is (deferring judgment to medical professions) just the amount of effort and money that is spent on facilitating kidney donations, despite the existence of dialysis, indicates that experts think the cost/benefit ration is a good one. One reason I feel safe in this deference is because the field of medicine seems to have strong "loss aversion". I.e. Doctors seem strongly concerned about direct actions that cause harm, even if it is for the greater good.

The cynical story I've heard is that insurance providers cover it because it is cheaper than years of dialysis and doctors provide it because it pays well. Some doctors are hesitant about it, particularly for non-directed donors, but they aren't the ones performing it.

I do think that is overly cynical: there are clear advantages to the recipient that make transplantation very desirable. Dialysis is a pain, and not without its risks. Quality of life definitely goes up. Life expectancy probably goes up a fair bit too. If I had to make a guess, I'd guess donation produced something like 3-8 QALYs on average for the primary beneficiary, at a cost of about .5 QALYs for the donor. That is a pretty reasonable altruistic trade, but it isn't saving a life at the cost of a surgery and a few weeks recovery.

ElliotJDavies @ 2021-11-28T15:27 (+1)

The cynical story I've heard is that insurance providers cover it because it is cheaper than years of dialysis and doctors provide it because it pays well. Some doctors are hesitant about it, particularly for non-directed donors, but they aren't the ones performing it.

While that's certainly a possibility, some evidence against that perspective is that many countries (UK, DK off the top of my head) have introduced altruistic/non-direct kidney donation in the last decade. 

Interestingly, I think the Danish Health-board may have a perspective closer to you, in that they have set the minimum age of altruistic kidney donation to 40 years old. I was a little bit frustrated when I discovered this. 

One thing I would say (again, without knowing much) in dialysis does sound intuitively a lot worse than having a transplanted kidney, because you have waste products building up in your body for days at a time.