What norm would you remove from the EA community?
By Nathan Young @ 2023-04-20T14:45 (+15)
Has to be a norm that's currently present.
You can't make up new norms.
Peter Wildeford @ 2023-04-20T20:36 (+8)
Lots of hedges and caveats when speaking
sphor @ 2023-04-21T00:25 (+1)
I think this is partly downstream of how highly EA prioritizes intelligence and seeming thoughtful/careful.
Nathan Young @ 2023-04-20T14:45 (+8)
That individuals should be vegan.
I wrote this as an example, I am not sure if I endorse it.
MaxRa @ 2023-04-20T15:50 (+17)
This comment made me wonder what type of norm you're asking about. From Wiktionary:
- That which is normal or typical.
- Unemployment is the norm in this part of the country.
- A rule that is imposed by regulations and/or socially enforced by members of a community.
- Not eating your children is just one of those societal norms.
On second thought, veganism maybe is neither 1. nor 2., at least this is what the EA survey found 5 years ago about the frequency of veganism and vegetarianism:
39% of the effective altruism population reported being vegan or vegetarian
Nathan Young @ 2023-04-20T14:46 (+3)
People using probabilities rather than phrases "I'm 60% sure of that"
I wrote this as an example, I don't endorse it.
Lovkush @ 2024-06-12T14:55 (+1)
Curious why you want to remove this norm. Is it because it makes it less appealing to people outside EA? It is because it gives appearance of being more precise but actually does not do better than using everyday phrases?
Nathan Young @ 2024-06-18T00:49 (+2)
I was writing options for people to vote on. I sort of don't take an opinon on this one.