Critiques of EA in animal advocacy - A discussion with advocates

By Hive @ 2023-08-25T15:46 (+45)


Within the animal advocacy movement, there are still significant critiques and potential misconceptions about EA. Impact measurement, funding issues, and lack of diversity are common criticisms and should be taken into consideration as we work with others outside EA spaces towards a more inclusive and impactful community.

Key Takeaways


On July 28, 2023, Impactful Animal Advocacy helped facilitate an EA meetup at the Animal & Vegan Advocacy (AVA) Summit. One group’s discussion topic was “criticisms of effective altruism.” The conversation was started by first crowdsourcing all criticisms from the group, and then combining them into separate solution-oriented brainstorming discussions. Fundraising and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) became the main focuses of the conversation, and collectively, everyone agreed that I could take notes to share with the community. We are sharing main points of the external/adjacent views of EA here as feedback to those within the EA community. While we may agree with some points, they are not to be representative of our organisation.

Criticisms came from people both outside and inside the EA movement. Our goal was to generate constructive ideas and next steps for improving the intersection of the effective altruism movement and animal advocacy space to work towards a more inclusive and impactful community.


Here are the discussion notes about criticisms and potential solutions by the attendees (please note none of them is attributed to a particular name or organisation):


DEI in the movement


Special thanks to everyone who reviewed this in advance. Most importantly, thanks to all who participated in this discussion and voiced their concerns.

Brennan.W @ 2023-11-26T10:37 (+9)

Thank you so much for taking on this project and communicating the results! I find this kind of work highly valuable and would love to see similar initiatives conducted more regularly across the spectrum of topics where there are gaps between the relevant EA communities and non-EA communities.

It’s very encouraging to see a good faith attempt at “worldview diversification” in practice :)

SofiaBalderson @ 2024-02-12T14:51 (+1)

thanks a lot for reading and your encouragement Brennan! This helps to get out the bubble for a bit and listen to how the work looks from the outside.