Most people should probably feel safe most of the time

By Kaj_Sotala @ 2023-05-09T09:41 (+26)

This is a crosspost, probably from LessWrong. Try viewing it there.

Francisco Martins @ 2023-05-29T16:38 (+2)

Great post! Well written, needed and relevant.

I believe your post warrants further research e.g. what is the percentage of EAs living in fear, due to what reasons, how do they cope with fear, how does fear reduces their productivity. Even if the productivity of EAs is raised by, let's suppose, only 0.5% by talking about and combating non-warranted fear that would be very good. Both the quantity and quality of what EAs produce would be raised.

Reducing non-warranted (perhaps constant) fear would possibly reduce the cognitive dissonance of living in fear of x and having to tone down said fear of x due to social expectations.

This post should be in the next Forum Digest in my opinion.