Free Social Anxiety Treatment for 50 EAs (Sign-up here)

By John Salter @ 2023-07-12T10:11 (+29)

Arguably the most important factor in being happy and impactful is one’s social connections. Anxiety makes them harder to form and maintain. Graded exposure is the gold-standard treatment. We're offering it for free to all EAs. Here’s how it works:

  1. Arrange a chat with one of our head coaches. They'll help you figure out if this is right for you and, if so, pair you up with a suitable coach.
  2. Meet with your coach (can be via email/text initially). Explain your situation. 
  3. Construct a hierarchy of fear (see below for an example)

    Assessment and Treatment of Social Phobia | Semantic Scholar
  4. We'll help you work through the tasks, teaching you relevant skills along the way. 
  5. By approaching rather than avoiding anxiety-provoking tasks, you break the loop that perpetuates social anxiety.
    Anxiety – reversing the vicious cycle

Meta-analyses suggest you can get an effect size of ~1.0 with this approach. It takes two to three months of weekly sessions, each around 45 minutes long.

Click here to sign up 

Questions You're Too Socially Anxious to Ask

 Click here to sign up 

 Any other questions, post them in the comments below!

Maksym Makarenko @ 2023-07-13T10:58 (+8)

Gratitude I'm Enough Socially Confident to Express:

Thank you