Funding opportunity: 100x Impact Accelerator

By MarieF🔸 @ 2023-02-09T10:34 (+29)

Context: I have just attended a webinar (there will be another one on Thursday, Feb 23 at 16:00 BST - space is limited, so please only register if you're eligible and planning to apply), and I want to quickly share this opportunity since I couldn't find anything about it on this forum.

EdoArad @ 2023-02-10T14:05 (+4)


NickLaing @ 2023-02-09T11:08 (+4)

Thanks so much - Am going to apply for this with OneDay Health, and wouldn't have seen it otherwise. Appreciate it.

Marie Firgau @ 2023-02-10T11:35 (+1)

Happy to hear this!