What things did you do to gain experience related to EA?

By Nathan Young @ 2021-08-07T18:54 (+8)

I think some people would love to get involved and build prestige in EA but don't know how. 

I think many people volunteered, wrote forum articles etc. I think hearing about these things will give inspiration. 

Having written mine, it feels a bit like bragging, but I think it's genuinely useful info, so please share things you have done.

Aaron Gertler @ 2021-08-08T07:05 (+7)

I wrote a post about this.

In brief, I:

MichaelStJules @ 2021-08-07T19:23 (+6)

Related questions here and here.

Nathan Young @ 2021-08-07T21:56 (+1)

Great, thank you.

alexrjl @ 2021-08-08T07:29 (+4)

NB - None of the things below were done with the goal of building prestige/signalling. I did them because they were some combinaion of interesting, fun, and useful to the world. I doubt I'd have been able to stick with any if I'd viewed them as purely instrumental. I've listed them roughly in the order in which I think they were helpful in developing my understanding. The signalling value ordering is probably different (maybe even exactly reversed), but my experience of getting hired by an EA org is that you should prioritise developing skill/knowledge/understanding over signalling very heavily.

Ben_Harack @ 2021-08-08T00:12 (+4)

I pursued related research prior to learning about EA, attended EA Global a few times, joined a startup that is EA-aligned (the Human Diagnosis Project), conducted more research on the side, and provided both mentorship and collaboration for other researchers.

Nathan Young @ 2021-08-07T18:59 (+3)

I started a newsletter that shares forecasting markets around UK policy questions. It's had a little takeup and I've had some people message me in relation to it.

(I think there is space for this newsletter but for other geographies ie US, EU, China, India etc)


Nathan Young @ 2021-08-07T18:55 (+3)

I have been trying to become one of the top 50 forecasters on Metaculus on questions resolving in the last 3 months.

To do this, I've forecasted about 4 questions a week for perhaps the last 6 months.