"AI Safety for Fleshy Humans" an AI Safety explainer by Nicky Case

By Habryka @ 2024-05-03T19:28 (+32)

This is a linkpost to https://aisafety.dance/

This is a crosspost, probably from LessWrong. Try viewing it there.

SummaryBot @ 2024-05-06T13:53 (+1)

Executive summary: This comprehensive guide explains the core ideas and debates in AI and AI safety, covering the history, present state, and possible futures of the field in an accessible way.

Key points:

  1. The history of AI can be divided into two main eras: "Good Old-Fashioned AI" focused on logic without intuition before 2000, and deep learning focused on intuition without robust logic after 2000.
  2. The next major advance in AI may come from merging the logical and intuitive approaches, but this would come with great potential benefits and risks.
  3. The field of AI safety involves awkward alliances between those working on AI capabilities and safety, and those concerned about risks ranging from unintentional accidents to intentional misuse.
  4. Experts disagree on timelines for artificial general intelligence (AGI), the speed of a potential intelligence explosion or "takeoff", and whether advanced AI will have good or catastrophic impacts.
  5. Steering the course of AI development to invest more in safety and beneficial outcomes is crucial, as AI could be enormously destructive if not properly controlled, but enormously beneficial if it is.



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