Apply now to CE’s second Research Training Program

By CE, Leonie Falk @ 2024-01-03T13:07 (+87)

What we have learned from our pilot and when our next program is happening

TL;DR: We are excited to announce the second round of our Research Training Program. This online program is designed to equip participants with the tools and skills needed to identify, compare, and recommend the most effective charities, interventions, and organisations. It is a full-time (35 hours per week), fully cost-covered program that will run remotely for 12 weeks. 


Deadline for application: January 28, 2024.
The program dates are April 15 - July 5, 2024.

If you are progressing to the last stage of the application process you will receive a final decision by the 15th of March the latest. Please let us know if you need a decision before that date. 

What have we learned from our pilot?

The theory of change for the Research Training Program has three outputs: helping train people to switch into impactful research positions, creating intervention reports that influence CE’s decisions of which new organisations to start, and creating evaluations that help organisations have the most impact and funders to make impact maximising decisions. We have outlined what we have learned about each of these aspects below: 

What will the next program look like?

Should you apply to the program? 

What the program can offer you: 

For whom the program is designed: 

Apply now

We encourage everyone to apply to Stage 1, as it is the best way to assess your fit for the program. Subsequent stages require increasing time investment, but we will only invite you if we believe it is worth pursuing. The application stages are trying to emulate what the program will look like, to give you an idea if this program could be a good fit for you while you are applying. 


elizabethcooper @ 2024-01-03T19:35 (+9)

This is a program I'm incredibly interested in applying for, but I work full-time. Do you have any plans to offer a longer-duration but part-time version of this program in the near- to medium-future?

Leonie Falk @ 2024-01-04T09:13 (+14)

Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your interest! There is, unfortunately, no plan in the near future to offer this program on a part-time basis, but we are working towards making some of the material from the program publicly available for self-study or for people to use it in a way that serves them. 

Nirmal George @ 2024-01-08T07:29 (+3)

Excellent news for enthusiasts like me. Making actionable information resources more accessible is in and of itself an action with a great positive impact on people like me.

Vasco Grilo @ 2024-03-10T09:58 (+2)

Thanks for the update, Leonie! I would be pretty interested in checking the handbook.

Arepo @ 2024-01-22T08:58 (+3)

Hi Leonie,

I realise the timing is going to line up badly for recruiting for this round, but I'd really like to see some data from previous grads once you get it in - where do they end up, what was their general feedback like, etc?

Joey @ 2024-01-23T10:20 (+10)

To quickly chip in with some data I have, people who were pretty happy with the program, scoring it 4.45/5. About half of them received a job offer, placement, or internship following the program, most of which were facilitated or recommended by us. We have not done a full counterfactual estimate yet, though, as I do think talented people often get offers anyway, even without the extra skills/credentials that the program provides. So, it might be counterfactually closer to 33%.

EA Opportunity Board @ 2024-01-25T16:32 (+1)

This seems like a great opportunity. It is now live on the EA Opportunity Board!