US Poverty Interventions: how should we prioritize?

By Abbey Chaver @ 2024-01-18T17:46 (+5)

The first post of this series provides a case for policy-based poverty interventions in the US as a cost-effective means of improving global health. 

In this post, I’ll discuss how we might build a prioritization framework for this kind of work, and how it might differ from other EA causes. I’ll also add some thoughts on the pros and cons of EA investing in this area.

Prioritization Framework


We can evaluate impact in the same way as we might for health interventions in Low Income Countries. I personally believe some partiality is fine and as I am an American, I am particularly concerned about poverty in America. However, I respect those who want to assess causes completely impartially, and I think this work can hold up to that standard.


Getting legislation passed is a low-certainty endeavor. I think this uncertainty is likely on-par with medical research, but I haven’t worked in advocacy and so it’s hard for me to say. To make these problems tractable, EA would need to bring in significant legislative expertise - ie, lobbyists. The term grosses people out, but lobbyists are typically former staffers who understand how to word legislation, estimate its cost, and politically maneuver legislation into reality. That’s an extremely niche skill that requires practical experience. I’m quite interested in the question of whether EA should build out a lobbying function (but I will save it for another post).

For prioritization, I think the major factors in tractability can be broken down into:

For actual tractability of solving the problem, I believe most programs have high implementation tractability. Most of the tractability challenge is political.


Typically, EA operates on the assumption of diminishing marginal returns - the more you add people and funding, the less valuable the addition. In the case of policy, I think the opposite can (but isn’t always) true.

I think in many cases, policy requires a critical mass of people who care about an issue, who will vote on, publicly talk about, or show up at protests to convince legislators. Legislation is highly momentum-driven based on the issue of the day, and momentum represents increasing marginal returns. Additionally, legislators care about what their constituents want, and being able to ally with a major interest group or voting block like a union or Medicaid recipients strongly increases the likelihood of success.

However, there are certain issues that are not neglected but are still highly risky because they have very strong opposition. If your goal is opposed by a group with deep pockets and / or loud feelings, there’s both a spending race and a lower likelihood of success, making ROI plummet. So there may be higher certainty on neglected issues, especially smaller and cheaper interventions. Holden Karnofsky calls this out. This is captured in the tractability section.

Pros and Cons of this Cause Area

Other considerations:

Thanks for reading! Would be curious to hear other pros and cons of this research, and your feedback on the framework. In the final post, I’ll go through some possible areas of research, and discuss how we might build the ability to intervene.

Seth Ariel Green @ 2024-01-18T21:22 (+2)

Hi Abbey,

I think you are going to have a very hard time convincing EAs that this should be a core, or even peripheral, EA cause area. 

In your previous piece, you cite Matt Desmond's estimate that 5.4 million Americans live in extreme poverty. I think this is probably an overestimate, but taking it at face value, that's less than 1% of all the people who live in extreme poverty globally. Accordingly, if global poverty is your top priority, the impartial altruism principle implies that the extreme poor in America  should receive less than 1% of the attention you devote to it. Exceeding that 1% attention budget is going to be a very high burden of proof to meet, given our strong shared commitments to on-the-margin thinking (there are many, many social programs and organizations devoted to the welfare of the poor in America) and impartiality. 

On a different note; if you want to work on reducing poverty in America, what's to be gained by applying an EA label to it or convincing others to do so? My 2c: it's perfectly well and good to work on causes that motivate you and where your work is plausibly +EV, labels be damned.

Abbey Chaver @ 2024-01-18T23:19 (+4)

Hey Seth, thanks for your thoughts! I agree it's pretty uncommon as an area of excitement for EAs, and I think it's because people have the (correct) intuition that interventions are much more expensive in the US. What I wanted to point out was that the problem can be framed differently, and that the broad EA intuition might be wrong here.

I'm not sure I agree with the attention budgeting point. Givewell and OpenPhil seem to look at funding interventions on the margin (eg, what is the return for this particular intervention) and plenty of those interventions are quite small-scale, so I think these interventions are in line with others they research. Indeed, Givewell's interest in Policy advocacy in developing nations suggests an interest in developing this muscle. Holden Karnofsky has taken US Policy intervention seriously enough to deeply research the topic, and make incarceration in America (1M people) a cause area for OpenPhil. From what I've seen, he focused more on preventative health interventions more than poverty interventions in his research.

I think this topic is overlooked in the community, and I wanted to draw some attention to it. I'd like to find a way to donate to cost-effective charities for reducing poverty in America, and part of my goal in writing this post was to research and develop some ideas about what those might be.

I think a fair amount of EAs also feel compelled to donate locally, but they designate those donations as "fuzzies." I don't think this has to be the case, and it would be great if more local donations went to truly cost-effective initiatives.

Anyway thanks for your thoughts, I appreciate you pointing out the relative scale and agree that poverty outside the US is much larger! I also care deeply about global health outside of the US and currently donate there.

SummaryBot @ 2024-01-19T14:04 (+1)

Executive summary: The post makes the case for EA investment in US policy interventions to alleviate poverty as a highly cost-effective way to improve health, then lays out a framework to assess tractability, neglectedness, and other considerations in determining priority.

Key points:

  1. Impact can be evaluated similarly to global health interventions using cost-effectiveness. There is also an argument for partiality towards one's own country.
  2. Tractability depends on cost, popular opposition, and moneyed opposition. Implementation tractability is generally high if legislation passes.
  3. Neglectedness varies - some issues need critical momentum to pass legislation. Highly opposed issues are riskier despite neglectedness.
  4. Pros include sense of responsibility for poor Americans and being a well-funded, coordinated group that could influence legislators.
  5. Cons include economic uncertainty, low policy success rates, and increased perception of EA having too much power.
  6. This cause aligns with recent EA government work and could help build US popularity. Existing research expertise also helps guide policy.



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Yelnats T.J. @ 2024-01-19T05:15 (+1)

I would try to improve the political system which is upstream of the dysfunctional politics which is upstream of bad policy that leads to needless policy in the US. I think you'll get better ROI be cause the dividends will affect so many other areas EAs care about.