GWWC Newsletter: February 2023

By Giving What We Can, GraceAdams🔸 @ 2023-02-27T00:00 (+23)

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Hello and welcome to our February newsletter!

Earlier this month, we were shocked to hear about the devastation across Turkey and Syria caused by the earthquakes. Our hearts go out to our members in Turkey, and their communities. Although harrowing, hearing about and seeing pictures of disasters helps us empathise with the most challenging conditions people can face. 

In the wake of this disaster, we published a blog from Stefan Shaw and Louise Kihlberg about what to consider when thinking about donating to disaster relief efforts

One thing that’s always on my mind after these highly publicised tragedies, are the ongoing tragedies occurring around the world, that aren’t receiving any media attention. The famine and war in Tigray, Ethiopia and the persecution of people in Myanmar have received little news coverage. And the suffering from the “silent catastrophes” of global poverty and preventable illnesses rarely makes the news at all.

With all of the suffering in the world, I am extremely grateful to be surrounded by a global community of people who are dedicated to effectively improving the lives of others. Your gifts have a meaningful impact on those you are helping, and are contributing to a more equal world. I hope giving makes you feel empowered to be a part of positive global change, as it does for me.

If you want to join our movement, take a pledge to donate a portion of your income to highly effective charities today. Committing to a pledge was one of the most powerful things I’ve done.

We also published a great article from member Alana Horowitz-Friedman busting the myth that “the best charities are the ones with low overhead costs”. This is an excellent piece to bring up with friends and family when discussing where to donate. Thanks, Alana for this well thought out article!

     With gratitude,      

-Grace Adams & the rest of the Giving What We Can team

Featured top-rated charity

Family Empowerment Media

Family Empowerment Media (FEM) is an evidence-driven nonprofit committed to eliminating maternal deaths and other health burdens from unintended pregnancies. FEM produces and air radio-based social and behavioural change campaigns on family planning to empower women and men who want to delay or prevent pregnancy to consistently use contraception. Read more here

Jobs and Volunteering

We are hiring an Effective Giving Global Coordinator and Incubator to help us support the global effective giving community and the development of new effective giving initiatives. Applications close March 1st. More information and application here.

Are you interested in volunteering to help us with marketing our events? We’re looking for an ongoing volunteer who can assist with promoting our upcoming events. Email me if you’re interested.

Attend An Event

Meetup - Europe/Asia

We have decided to have a single meetup each month and alternate between Europe/Asia and Americas/Oceania each month. We invite you to connect with other members from around the world at these events. This month will be a social event getting to know other community members.

Open Forum - Americas/Oceania

Our open forum is an event where you can come along with questions about effective giving and/or to meet others interested in effective giving. This event alternates between Europe/Asia and Americas/Oceania each month.

News & Updates


Evaluators, grantmakers and incubators

Cause areas

Animal welfare

Global health and development

Long-term future


Brit just completed her Trial Pledge, you can congratulate her on twitter here!


























Have any feedback on our newsletter or communications? Share your thoughts here.

Why not streamline your giving by setting up a recurring donation to a highly effective charity today?



Useful Links

You can follow us on TwitterFacebookLinkedInInstagramYouTube, or TikTok and subscribe to the EA Newsletter for more news and articles.

Do you have questions about the pledge, Giving What We Can, or effective altruism in general? Check out our FAQ page, or contact us directly.