You can have an hour of my time, to work on your biggest problem, for free.

By John Salter @ 2023-12-10T13:14 (+55)

Who the fuck are you?

I run EA's biggest volunteer organisation. We train psychology graduate volunteers to treat mental illnesses, especially in LMICs.  To lead by example, I don't take a salary despite working >50Hs per week. To pay the bills, I coach rich people's children to be happier and more productive. While it funds my living expenses, it's not very impactful. I'm hoping to start serving EAs to fix that.

EA stuff I've done

I played on hard difficulty

I raise this because it's likely that disproportionate amount of my success is due to my decision-making, as opposed to my circumstances or character, and is thus replicable.

People I think could be a good fit

How the hour would work

How much would you charge afterwards?

Relevant Links

Website for my charity:

To book the free hour 
If no time works, but you're really keen to give it a go, dm me and I'll see what I can do.

yanni @ 2023-12-10T23:09 (+9)

Hello, I'd just like to say that I enjoy your honesty almost as much as your writing style. Keep them both up.