EA Twitter Job Bots and more

By Nathan Young @ 2021-06-04T09:55 (+8)


A group of us are building some Twitter bots which retweet EA jobs. Let us know in the comments if you think this is a good idea and what you think the hashtags should be.

Why we think this is a good use of our time

More detail

A group of us, Garrett, Julian, Scott and myself, are building a set of twitter bots. Anyone can join the project by joining our WhatsApp here. Each bot will retweet a certain type of job by retweeting all tweets with that hashtag. That way, if you want to hear about careers in animal advocacy, AI or global development you just follow the right bot. 

Initially, the bots will retweet their own hashtag. In time, we might make them automatically post from trusted EA jobs boards. 

Please fill in this survey

Here is a survey about what hashtags, cause areas and roles, to look at.


Further notes

If you’d like to help, join this WhatsApp group. It’s a doocracy so there won’t be someone telling you what to do, but don't worry all skill levels are welcome. I’m no great shakes as a coder, so don’t let that stop you. 

The roadmap is here, if something confuses you, comment on it:


BrianTan @ 2021-06-04T11:17 (+5)

Have you seen 80K's Airtable of their Job Board? Maybe it's possible to integrate with that and automate their new job postings onto Twitter (or scrape directly from their website)? Though that means you'll have to wait until things are listed on their Airtable or job board before you tweet it. 

Nathan Young @ 2021-06-04T12:12 (+3)

Yeah though I imagine we could find ways to avoid duplicates.

Nathan Young @ 2021-06-04T13:21 (+3)

I orginally structured the comments differently but I'm told that was unhelpful, so I've made a google form instead 


So-Low Growth @ 2021-06-04T10:14 (+3)

In Economics, there's an account that does this quite well, with a slightly different approach but a somewhat similar aim. It tweets economics pre-doc and RA positions. However, I think people tag the account, and then it gets re-tweeted. Here's the handle: https://twitter.com/econ_ra