EA Israel: 2022 Progress and 2023 Plans

By ezrah @ 2023-02-23T18:35 (+58)

This document recaps EA Israel’s and the Israeli effective altruism community progress in 2022, and lays out EA Israel’s plans for 2023 (we know that 2023 started a couple months ago, but figured better late than never). We wrote the post in order to increase transparency about EA Israel’s activities, share our thoughts with the global community, and as an opportunity to reflect, strategize and celebrate. 


Updates to our existing strategy

2022 Progress

Achievements by Israeli EA community

We asked community members to briefly share their personal progress this year.

EA Israel’s Progress

EA Israel’s work can be divided into four verticals:

1. Teaching tools about effective social action and introducing Israelis to effective altruism

2. Helping community members take action and maximize their social impact

3. Increasing the effectiveness of donations in Israel

4. Infrastructure to enable continued growth


We also discuss some of the major challenges of 2022:

2023 Annual Plan (requisite Miro board included)

Effective Altruism Israel’s vision is one where all Israelis who are interested in maximizing their social impact have access to the people and the resources they need to help others, using their careers, projects, and donations.

In 2023 EA Israel will continue to focus on its 4 core areas, 

Here’s a visual map of our current and planned projects and services, where projects in italics are planned projects, and if you scroll down you’ll see our services mapped out relative to our target audiences. Note that the impact / cost scale is very speculative, and is useful mostly for generating discussion and thought, not as a bottom line.


2022 was a very exciting year for Effective Altruism Israel, with lots of growth, both in the Israeli EA community and within the EA Israel registered nonprofit. EA Israel started the year with 2 part-time staff members and ended with a team of 7; concurrently, the community doubled in size to ~80 volunteers and 100 highly engaged EAs. Gidi, EA Israel’s first CEO, left the team in October to lead VIVID, an impact-focused startup, and was replaced by me, Ezra. I feel blessed by the opportunity to work with the amazing Israeli effective altruism community, and I plan to continue to grow the community and to its impact.

Updates to our Strategy

We’ve previously published a detailed strategy with our community building approach laid out, and Gidi gave a talk on this topic at EAG London (slides and video here). Our mission is building and supporting an outward-facing community that is trying to do the maximum good in the world. We don’t believe that “growing the EA community” is a cause area in and of itself - it is a means to an end, with that end being a much better world. That being said, we have a lot of faith in the power and people of the community, and we see our role as crucial to helping the community reach its potential and stay focused on solving critical problems.

Some strategy updates from the past year:

2022 Progress

Israeli EA community achievements

Before presenting what EA Israel has done in 2022, we’d like to share some highlights of our community members’ efforts. Since our goal is to support a community aimed at doing the most good, the achievements of the community are, in a way, more important than those of the organization. 

Some highlights include:

EA Israel’s direct work

EA Israel’s work can be divided into four verticals:

  1. Teaching tools about effective social action and introducing Israelis to effective altruism
  2. Helping individuals in the community take action and maximize their social impact
  3. Increasing the effectiveness of donations in Israel
  4. Community and organizational infrastructure that enables continued growth

(note: some activities have some overlap between verticals - such as events targeted at a specific career, which can be both introductory and help people take action)

Teaching tools about effective social action and introducing Israelis to effective altruism

We currently have the following programs for teaching tools on the topics of effective social action and as an introduction to EA and EA principles. These also serve as an entry point to the community:

Pictured: an event on high-impact entrepreneurship

(the slide says “Feedback and Measurement” in Hebrew)

Onboarding new community members – following initial interest from our broad outreach, we have an intake form on our website with various options (learn more, volunteer, request for career consulting, etc), and we initiate 1-1 calls with individuals interested in joining the community to smooth their integration into the community and to identify ways for them to contribute. From our experience, finding good opportunities for people to contribute to is one of the best ways to get them involved and excited. 

In 2023, we plan to build on our past successes and improve, streamline and scale our active outreach channels. We aim to:

Helping community members take action and maximize their social impact

Incubating sub-groups

This year was the first time the Israeli EA community grew to a size that allowed for the growth of smaller sub-groups and communities. Two community members founded an Impact Tech Entrepreneurship community, which ran a number of events of over 70 people per event, and grew to around 100 participants (however, progress has stalled lately and it’s not clear whether it will continue). Another member is running an AI Safety group that has regular reading group meetings and has participated in two AI Safety hackathons, and we organized an “AI Safety co-working day” at the community office so that people interested in the field can work together.

We also initiated and supported events on specific cause-areas, such as biology, mental health, democracy + tech, animal welfare, and biosecurity, many of which were hosted by EAs visiting from other countries (shout out to Karolina Sarek, Fazl Barel, Emma Buckland, and Andrew Snyder-Beattie). We plan to grow these groups into independent communities of their own.

Side note - if you’re interested in visiting Israel, please reach out so we can introduce you to our community; we love hosting visitors (spring is lovely here).

Pictured: event with Karolina Sarek


Impact acceleration programs and services

We still have some uncertainty about the best ways to help Israelis maximize their social impact, so in 2022, we ran a number of services and programs aimed at gathering more information about the best ways to do so and about how potential large-scale programs might look. 

Our programs and services in 2022 included:

Pictured: career-focused community retreat

We were also awarded a grant from the FTX Future Fund to run two joint programs with LEAD, a social leadership development nonprofit. The programs were aimed at helping community members launch new projects and at introducing EA concepts to successful social entrepreneurs, who would then launch new initiatives. Unfortunately, the project is now on hold due to lack of funding. If anyone is interested in exploring new ways to accelerate the launch of high-impact projects, we think that LEAD’s method (which until now hasn’t been utilized for high-impact causes) is extremely promising as an enabler, and we’re looking for new funding sources.

Support for community members and projects

As a registered nonprofit with paid staff, EA Israel has a comparative advantage in providing certain services to the Israeli EA community, and we think such practical support can often be extremely impactful. For that reason, in 2022 we provided:

In 2023, conditional on finding leaders, we plan to incubate sub-groups in animal welfare, global health, biosecurity and democracy + tech, that will meet regularly and provide a network and peer support. We hope to provide support for the topic specific communities through mentorship, fiscal sponsorship, networking, operational assistance, and more, to make it easier for new groups to form.

We’ve launched a needs assessment survey aimed at our most engaged members to better understand what we can do to increase their impact. The goal of the survey is to identify the main bottlenecks preventing highly engaged community members from taking action and to help us design services and programs accordingly (results forthcoming). After receiving the results, we’ll  match them with our list of potential projects and launch 1-3 programs this year with the goal of significantly increasing time spent on high-impact projects by Israelis. 

We want to systematize and scale our other impact assistance services, such as grant writing support, EAG / EAGx attendance (although we expect a significant decrease in overall numbers due to CEA not covering travel expenses), publishing opportunities, and more. We plan to run 2 community retreats and 2 smaller, more focused retreats, contingent on funding.

We aim to continue our support for projects and individuals, and optimize and promote the support we offer in order to increase the number of orgs and individuals utilizing our support. Our operational systems will need to scale accordingly, which we’re already actively working on.

We also plan to run some women-only events in order to increase community diversity and achieve a more balanced male/female ratio. We believe this will help the community grow in a more healthy and balanced fashion.

Increasing the effectiveness of donations in Israel

To date, we’ve published a guide to effective donations in Hebrew (which is a top Google hit when searching for effective donations), have published 1 cost-effectiveness analysis of a nonprofit and have run philanthropic advising sessions at a small scale.

Effective Giving Israel

Toward the end of 2022 EA Israel received tax exempt status, and we’ve begun setting up infrastructure allowing Israelis to donate to high-impact nonprofits (GiveWell, GWWC recommended charities) via EA Israel and be recognized as tax-deductible by the Israeli tax authorities, similar to Effektiv-Spenden and other sites around the world. Israelis would be able to learn about the importance of effectiveness in giving and donate to high-impact nonprofits via EA Israel’s infrastructure, while receiving a 35% tax-rebate from the Israeli tax authorities.

Maximum Impact Program: Israeli Charity Evaluation

We also launched a nonprofit evaluation program in Israel, called the Maximum Impact Program, and the pilot will end in June. Our main goal is to change Israeli philanthropy to be significantly more effective and evidence-based. Although we haven’t yet done a final analysis, we believe the pilot program will be very successful and will put us on track to reaching our main goal, for the following reasons:

We’ve had initial interest from Israeli and Jewish donors (both foundations and private donors) about supporting the program and using our product, which we’ll be pursuing in the coming months. Our current plan for 2023 is to scale the program in order to identify the most effective nonprofits in Israel, export the program to another EA community operating in a country with a focus on local donations (if you’re an EA community leader who’d be interested in trying to start something similar - please reach out!), and adding local nonprofits to our effective-giving website. The website will present both local nonprofits who’ve published research on their effectiveness as well as EA recommended high-impact nonprofits, with a donation option. 

We’re looking for funding! Our pilot program was funded by the Infrastructure Fund and a private Israeli donor, and we have 2 qualified staff members who built the program from scratch. In order to hit our goals for 2023, we need funding for salaries and operational costs. If you’re a funder or know of someone who might be interested in supporting our work, again - please reach out! We’ll also publish a forum post with more detail later on - stay tuned.

Pictured: presenting the Maximum Impact Program at EAGx Singapore

Infrastructure to enable continued growth

In 2022, our staff went through significant change and growth, as mentioned above. We began to put much more effort into becoming a professional organization with a strong and defined culture, professional development opportunities, strong ops and internal systems, and good governance. Some of our main activities include revamping our financial processes and budget (including successfully receiving tax-deductible status), setting up a professional development course for CBG grantees and moving to a new office (which doubles as a community co-working and small events space). We also began using OKRs and KPIs and having clear Areas of Responsibility in order to run more efficiently and hit our targets (we use The Great CEO Within and the Manager’s Handbook for inspiration). 

We set up quarterly board meetings to provide oversight, tweaked our board membership, and we began publishing a summary of the board meetings and having a community Q&A session about them in order to improve transparency.

Improving our operations and professional excellence is an ongoing process. We try and hit the right balance between doing things “the right way” and between “getting things done”, or between sustainability and growth. 

In 2023 we want to achieve the following goals: 

Other challenges

FTX’s crash has affected EA Israel’s work in a number of ways:

Staff turnover and the difficulties of transitioning from a volunteer-based group to a funded nonprofit

2023 Plans

Effective Altruism Israel’s vision is one where all Israelis who are interested in maximizing their social impact have access to the people and the resources they need to help others through their careers, projects, and donations. To recap:

In 2023 EA Israel will continue to focus on its 4 core areas:

Here’s a visual map of our current and planned projects and services, where projects in italics are planned projects. Note that the impact / cost scale is very speculative, and is useful mostly for generating discussion and thought, not as a bottom line.

If you scroll down in the visual map, you’ll see our services mapped out relative to our target audiences.

By the end of 2023, we aim to offer the following services:

* Projects with an asterisk are more speculative and contingent on personnel fit and the ecosystem.

Projects in Italics are planned for the upcoming year.


We believe that of the three outward facing core areas (not infrastructure), teaching tools and growth is the most well developed, and needs to be optimized so as to require less effort and to run more consistently and efficiently, and in order to scale. Our work on effective donations currently consists only of Maximum Impact, and our work on supporting action is still ad-hoc. Since we believe that building a strong community requires a balance between growth and action, we want to invest more resources this year in the donations and impactful action areas.

Closing remarks and thank yous

Feedback - let us know what you think!

The contents of this document are important to the way we operate, and we are sincerely looking for feedback.We do some things differently than the mainstream (if there is such a thing) community builders, and we’d love to exchange thoughts and ideas and challenge our approach more deeply.

 If you have feedback on anything written here, please comment on this forum post. For anonymous feedback, please use this form. You can also email me directly at ezra@effective-altruism.org.il.

Action Items

If you’ve read through the whole post, you’ll have noticed that there were some calls to action sprinkled in. Here’s a wrap up:


Pictured: on a hike with an EA visiting Israel


Reflecting on what we’ve done over the past year was a great way to generate focus and motivation moving forward, but especially it made me realize how many thoughtful, kind, talented, insightful and driven people are involved in the work we do. Literally everything here was a group or community effort.

Special thanks to our board - Omer, Mor, Edo, and Gidi, and former board members, Sella and Assaf.

To the EA Israel 2022 team members - this is your work more than mine - Guy T, Michal, Yonatan S, Rona, Yuval and Adi.

To our volunteers in 2022 (I’m afraid I’ll forget someone so please call me out if I do) - Alon, Arye, Arbel, Dan, David, Daniel, Dvir, Dvir, Guy, Haroon, Ido, Ido, Itay, Jonathan, Joseph, Karen, Lev, Levav, Liat, Lior, Matan, Maya, Maytav, Merav, Michael, Nadav, Nahum, Neta, Niki, Nir, Noam, Omri, Ofir, Orr, Ron, Shiraz, Shahar, Sarel, Sean, Shay, Smadar, Soof, Tal, Tom, Tomer, Yair, Yam, Yochay, Yovel, Yael, Yonatan, Yossi, Yishai, Yuval, Yuval - for your work on our website, content, courses, projects, partnerships, community, research, feedback, and much more. This wouldn’t be possible without you.

And to our community members, whose passion to think deeply about how to make the world a better place and change their lives to do so is what makes us come to work in the morning.


Much of the credit for this post goes to Michal, Rona, Guy, Yonatan, Gidi, Edo and Sella. Thank you for your help!


Appendix: some Israeli EA community achievements


Dov @ 2023-02-26T15:27 (+3)

!כל הכבוד

Elmerei Cuevas @ 2023-03-10T13:25 (+2)

Always inspiring! Kudos EA Israel! 👏 👏👏