Tarbell Fellowship 2024 - Applications Open (AI Journalism)

By Cillian_ @ 2023-09-28T10:38 (+58)

The Tarbell Fellowship is accepting applications until November 5th. Apply here.

Key details

About the Tarbell Fellowship

What is it?

The Tarbell Fellowship is a one-year programme for early-career journalists interested in covering emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence.

What we offer

Who should apply

We’re interested in supporting people with a deep understanding of artificial intelligence that have the potential to become exceptional journalists.

In particular, we’re looking for:

If you’re unsure whether you’re a good fit, we encourage you to apply anyway. Alternatively, you can attend one of our upcoming information sessions or email cillian [at] tarbellfellowship [dot] org

Why consider a career in journalism?

Journalism, as a career path, is neglected by those interested in reducing risks from advanced AI. We believe many more people should consider a career in journalism (and expect to write a more detailed post on this in the near future).

Artificial intelligence is one of the key challenges facing humanity this century and journalists can lead the public debate here in important ways. As AI systems progress, they could pose a catastrophic risk to humanity. Researchers could lose control over advanced AI systems, malicious actors could weaponize this technology, and a deluge of persuasive misinformation could undermine democracy. Relative to their importance, these issues receive much less attention than they deserve.

The Tarbell Fellowship is creating a community of expert journalists that can focus the collective conversation on the most important risks from AI, drive engagement with specific policy proposals & safety standards, and hold major AI labs accountable in the public arena.

Track record

The Tarbell Fellowship launched in 2023, selecting 7 fellows from a competitive pool of over 950 applications. 3 fellows are currently at TIME, one is at Coda, and another is freelancing with the New Yorker. Following the fellowship, we expect our fellows will go on to work at top news organisations, bringing their expertise to outlets around the world.

Attend an information session

Interested in learning more about the Tarbell Fellowship? Register for one of our information sessions & ask any questions you might have:

How to apply

We expect the application form to take ~1 hour to complete provided you already have a current CV and writing samples. The application form includes four sections:

Apply here by November 5th.

EA Opportunity Board @ 2023-09-29T20:41 (+4)

This seems like a great opportunity. It is now live on the EA Opportunity Board!