Some thoughts from a University AI Debate

By Charlie Harrison @ 2024-03-20T17:03 (+25)

Last month we held an AI Safety Debate with the UCL EA Society.

I thought I'd share a few thoughts from running the event: both about community building, because I think the event went well, and more broadly about AI Safety. Not of all these thoughts are mine: thank you to Erin and Otto for sharing theirs. 

A full YouTube recording is here:


Community-Building Takes

AI Things

Feel free to reach out if you are a community-builder and  you'd like advise on organising a similar event. 

Agustín Covarrubias @ 2024-03-21T18:03 (+2)

X-Risk sentiment in the audience: at one point in the debate, one participant asked the audience who thought  AI was an existential risk. From memory, around 2/3s of students put up their hands.

Do you have a rough sense of how many of these had interacted with AI Safety programming/content from your group? Like, was a substantial part of the audience just members from your group who had heard EA arguments about AIS?

charlieh943 @ 2024-03-23T11:31 (+3)

I’d guess less than 1/4 of the people had engaged w AIS (e.g. read some books/articles). Perhaps 1/5 had heard about EA before. Most were interested in AI though.