Apply to Negotiating for Good [Feb 26 - Mar 12]

By Cillian_ @ 2022-01-20T11:21 (+44)


Training for Good is offering a free training programme in salary negotiation, to help you increase ​the amount you donate to effective charities.

This programme will consist of two workshops: a 3 hour salary negotiation workshop on Feb 26 2022 and a 1.5 hour practice session on Mar 12 2022. The application deadline is January 30th.

All training is free and will be run online.​ We therefore ask that all attendees pledge to donate at least 50% of their salary increase to effective charities. (Although we understand that people have very different circumstances and are happy to discuss any and all cases). 

Apply here.​


This training programme will consist of:


By the end of the workshop, you will have


We’ll run two separate programmes to accommodate different time zones:


~25 people attended the first iteration of this workshop at the end of 2021 (quite a few of whom have already negotiated sizable salary increases).

From 15 respondents, our workshop received a net promoter score of 4.8 / 5. Below, I've copied the testimonials we received from our final session to give a flavour of the sessions:

Denkenberger @ 2022-01-22T04:59 (+3)

Is it mainly for the for-profit case? For instance, in academia, there is not very much room for salary negotiation, but instead the focus is on the startup package (reduced teaching, lab budget, funding for students, etc).

Cillian Crosson @ 2022-01-24T17:51 (+1)

It's mainly designed for the for-profit case but I'd be excited to see academics working on important topics use this programme to negotiate for non-monetary benefits that could increase their impact!

Although some of the content would not be 100% relevant, most of the tools we cover are cross-applicable to any negotiation. The basic framework of the programme would also allow participants to replace "salary goal" with their alternative negotiation goal.