Has anyone looked at collaborating with software & data science bootcamps re their final projects?

By Arepo @ 2023-08-08T19:11 (+7)

There are now hundreds of these intensive courses around the world, most of which seem to end with a group project on which 2-5 newbie coders will work something in the order of 100 hours each. Usually they result in a toy project whose only purpose is being part of someone's beginner portfolio. I suspect a lot of people on these courses would be interested in doing something socially valuable if there was a convenient, easy-to-access db of projects that the bootcamp could direct them to.

Relatedly, I'm 3.5 weeks away from starting such a project in a data science bootcamp, and would be interested to hear about it if anyone has projects they think would roughly fit the amount of time available.

Abby Hoskin @ 2023-08-09T17:33 (+2)

Good question! This place seems designed to do high impact final projects, but I don't think they use an EA framework to define impact. They seem quite altruistic though. https://www.datascienceforsocialgood.org/

cbrownell24 @ 2023-08-09T15:59 (+1)

I think this is a great idea; I've had similar thoughts.  Here are a few repositories of research questions that might work (or could spark further ideas)!  These lists aren't mine, but I have read through them and some listed projects seem like they would be a good fit.

